Possibly one of my favourite games ever made actually!! Absolutely loved almost everything about this brilliant game. Don't want to spoil anything so I'll leave it there, but a fantastic detective adventure is always such a thrill and this is a standout addition to the genre.

So cool and creative :) innovative platforming. Can't wait to pick it back up!



Got motion sick when I tried to play :(

Sorry Zelda but I like Baldur's Gate 3 too much :( I promise I'll pick you back up...

Fantastic but long so I will need to pick it up again to beat it

Really good - i'll come back to finish the final boss some day!!

Ultimately didn't compel me when compared to the rest of the incredible game pass library but I'm sure I'll finish it one day

Absolute banger of a detective game. I was so taken in by this, the world, the characters, the art, the music. The gameplay can be slightly tedious if you avoid fast travel, but otherwise highly enjoyable. I feel like this will influence detective and visual novel games to come for sure, and its influences are apparent.