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4 days ago

DragonsxHeart finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider
I'm not sure what it is but this game just isn't clicking with me. Compared to the other two it just feels dull in comparison. The characters are flat, the environment is just miles of endless jungle, and while I understand the narrative premise it's just not gripping.

10 days ago

DragonsxHeart finished Senua's Saga: Hellblade II

This review contains spoilers

I missed Senua. I love her.
This game is truly a cinematic experience. I can actually say I felt like I was playing one long cut-scene. With my headphones on I was able to partially even forget where I was. I'd say Ninja Theory nailed it in the immersive department. It appears they removed a few things from the combat which is a bummer but it's not all that different from the first. Druth returns with stories and the collectibles aren't too hard to find nor overwhelming.
The Furies are back and better than ever. Announcing Senua's fears and doubts. Celebrating her small victories. At times they seem to be cheering Senua on and at others, spewing a bit of venom in her direction. It's a balancing act as Senua meets more people and interacts with them while also maintaining a circle of inner voices.

The story this time around appears more grand in scope. Senua has moved beyond the inner terror of traveling to Hel. The question remains however, is any of this real or is in her head? The game seems to answer the question but by the end appears to walk it back. I think the answer is a bit of yes and no. I don't believe the other characters are figments of her mind. They are real. They are there. I also believe the giants are not real but to the characters they are. These people have been made to believe in them. Their way of life revolves around them being real. So, when you see this strange woman screaming at a Volcano, crying at the bones of a child, calling out a name she shouldn't know, and the volcano ceases. Well, you tend to believe she killed a giant. Ultimately it's up to you to decide if what Senua and the other characters see is "real" or not but by the end I don't think it matters. What really matters is Senua healing. Our heroes trek through a shifting forest and face their fears because she guides them. She chooses a different path at the climax of the story by accepting all the parts of herself. Senua can lead, guide, and accept the help of others now. She can face her darkness and choose the light. Fuck me I just think that's more important than whether the giants are real or not.
If this is our last journey with Senua, it was a good one.

10 days ago

12 days ago

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