Whoever made the decision to update this game to let you be gay— you are doing the lord's work.

Haven is so CUTE and so SOFT and so WHOLESOME and I love floating around on my hover-skates gathering ingredients to cook dinner with my cute boyfriend and then cuddling on the couch being GAY AS HELL. Ugh. It's so cute.

Also, appledews look 100% tastier than real apples. I want to eat all the food in this game.


Listen. I don't need to tell you Hades is an amazing game. You already know that. If you haven't played it, what are you doing with your time???


Please, if you're reading this, play this game with me I am begging you

If you haven't already decided whether or not Stardew Valley is for you, my review is not going to be what sways you.

That being said, it's a phenomenal game, made even more so by the fact that it was made entirely by one person. The modding community is RIDICULOUS, and has created several more entire games worth of content completely for free. If you enjoy farming sims, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't already be playing this absolute masterpiece.

This game is so good??? I'm having such a great time with it so far, but it's also incredibly difficult. I always feel like I'm making forward progress, but it's definitely slow and methodical at times. There's so much strategy that goes into just surviving a normal day once you start getting into the Dawns. I'm terrified of what it's going to look like when I start dealing with Dusks as well!! O_O

This is by far the most emotionally invested I have ever been in a text-based game. I don't want to spoil anything, and I feel like almost anything I could say would be a spoiler of some sort, so just take my word for it— you want to play this. Especially since there's a new FREE episode coming out very soon~

This game is SO HARD. But it's also really fun and really engrossing, and an excellent way to accidentally lose like 5 hours of your day. I've only gotten one actual ending so far and HOO BOY it was a STRUGGLE! But by the time I finally won, I really felt like I'd accomplished something.

A masterpiece of a game, and also a great way to stress yourself out. Every time you lose a character (which happens often) it feels like a real blow to your team and makes you have to reevaluate your whole strategy.

You wouldn't think a dice-based card game rpg would be as challenging and need as much strategy as this one does. Despite looking very cutesy, this game really brings the heat! If you enjoy any kind of turn-based fantasy combat, I highly recommend this as a nice casual-play addition to your library.

Souls-like combat and shop management simulator don't seem like two genres that would fit together as seamlessly as they do in Moonlighter. The graphics are delightful, the gameplay loop is both challenging and satisfying, and the shop management portion of the game is legitimately fun! The trial-and-error of finding the right price for your items to maximize profit without turning away customers is surprisingly rewarding.

Doesn't run great on my laptop, but it's ok because Uncle Death lives rent-free in my brain forever

An absolutely exemplary rhythm-action game. Constantly updated with new music (if you buy the big music pack), and the gameplay is incredibly fun, fast-paced, and challenging. Also the lil magical girl characters? Adorable.

Listen to me.
But vikings.
That's all you need to know.

This is the game you can blame for the dozens of "ever growing hole" clone games. But none of those will ever be half as charming and silly as the original.
You play as a raccoon with a remote control hole, and you go around swallowing up the town you live in to serve the raccoon king. Eventually you learn some kind of lesson about, like, valuing your human friends or whatever. But what's important is that you're a raccoon, and you're very cute.

This is such an adorable and wholesome little puzzle game!! I really enjoyed playing this one, and I recommend it if you wanna kill a few hours with some casually-challenging puzzles and give your brain a nice little workout.