I don't even know what's happening.

Every cabinet I've played of this is broken so I'm pretty livid.

This right here? This is the good shit.

Space harrier but platformer, fun mechanics I like it. You even get to play space harrier after beating a level!

Underrated piece of tech, where Masahiro Sakurai got his start and where a lot of Japanese children learned to program. Included is a helpful book that teaches you core programming concepts and the overall syntax, the interpreter itself is a larger program and very interactive with the end user, it's a shame it cannot save much however. Later Game Basic for the Saturn would improve on this concept. The syntax and commands would go onto inspire the original HSP.

Influential and legendary. Simple yet addictive gameplay loop that is fun and rewarding, came out at the right time and birthed a very fun hack and slash franchise.

Speeds up development of arthritis.

First arcade game I ever played, very fun and simplistic yet strategic, keeping track of how much pepper you're using and have makes for a fun challenge, you can even beat this game!

President Mauno Koivisto's son-in-law was friends with the guy who imported the NES to Finland. He introduced the system to Mauno who became an avid gamer. Ice Climber was his favorite game and according to one anecdote he would always challenge politicians he had invited over to a match and then mock them when they lost by repeatedly asking "can't you handle it?"

Favorite arcade game, so I'm biased.

"The most fun you’ll have with economics."

To say this game was ahead of it's time is a massive understatement, too bad it was never really in the spotlight, though there were much more genre defining and hardware pushing games coming out, this game is none of those things, it is innovative and genius.

M.U.L.E. is a legendary strategy game and would be a nightmare to play on a tabletop.

You and a group of colonists (which are either player controlled or bots) land on a planet with the intent to make bank.

To get labor done however you need to use the Multiple Use Labor Elements (or M.U.L.E.s). However they're not the most loyal of subjects and will probably cause you lots of pain!

On top of that you're not playing checkers here, you're playing chess, turns really matter here, if you don't get everything you want done in a turn you can basically kiss your sorry ass goodbye at times, it is sometimes impossible to recover from early screwups. But when you do, it is so rewarding.

This game takes what makes board games good and what makes computer games great and allows you to experience a game that really only would work here.

It's a shame we didn't get the Amiga and Mega Drive versions.

Seeing as M.U.L.E. works best with real people here's a couple ways to play the game...
- https://puzzud.itch.io/mule-online - Most active one, though calling it "active" is a stretch.
- https://www.planetmule.com/ - One everyone played before M.U.L.E. Online - Very Controversial
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/438210/MULE_Returns/ - Still waiting on this

Near perfect game. What the hell am I gonna say about SMB that hasn't been said, this isn't RYM where I'm writing the 5000th essay on why Alice in Chains is good, everyone knows SMB1.