President Mauno Koivisto's son-in-law was friends with the guy who imported the NES to Finland. He introduced the system to Mauno who became an avid gamer. Ice Climber was his favorite game and according to one anecdote he would always challenge politicians he had invited over to a match and then mock them when they lost by repeatedly asking "can't you handle it?"


Great game but it's starting to show it's age.
Better enemy and weapon placement in this one than it's sequel.
Personally I am not a fan of these types of like maze-shooters but it can be fun sometimes.
It is not very satisfying to kill monsters in this it feels more like a fight for survival.
The sound design in this is not my favorite.

Arguably the most influential ARPG of all time. It almost never gets old.
Only real issue with this game for me is some of the puzzles are brain-dead easy but it's the first game so maybe that's why.
Also you cannot walk diagonally but that's not really too bad.
This game has some of the best enemy design in all of video games and it lays the foundation for every Zelda afterwards.
The translation on the NES version is a bit rough and by a bit rough I mean a lot rough.
There's a lot of ways to play this but my preferred way is either on NES or Mesen or with Zelda Classic which is a fan-made re-implementation of the game for DOS and Windows computers that allows for custom content and mods.
There's also many many romhacks for this game if you get bored.
Personally I'd play the first and second quests before moving onto any romhacks.
Zelda II is better tho lololol

Favorite arcade game, so I'm biased.

Near perfect game. What the hell am I gonna say about SMB that hasn't been said, this isn't RYM where I'm writing the 5000th essay on why Alice in Chains is good, everyone knows SMB1.

First arcade game I ever played, very fun and simplistic yet strategic, keeping track of how much pepper you're using and have makes for a fun challenge, you can even beat this game!

Influential and legendary. Simple yet addictive gameplay loop that is fun and rewarding, came out at the right time and birthed a very fun hack and slash franchise.

Speeds up development of arthritis.

Space harrier but platformer, fun mechanics I like it. You even get to play space harrier after beating a level!

We need more ARPG platformer type games...
note: need to replay to give valid opinion