fuck, its too good man. Theres shit in this game that i could nitpick like online being abysmal and the story mode being "mid" but truthfully there isn't another fighting game on the market thay has this large of a cast of instantly recognizable characters with their own distinctinct fighting styles and moves and combos. Truly immaculate.

Bloodborne DOES have some issues, I will probably say that about any game. The difference is that any type of remaster or remake would absolutely kill any and all problems with this game.

The problems this game has are very small and nitpicky, 30 fps, some deaths not feeling earned in any way, blood vials and bullets becoming scarce and having to grind for them, chalice dungeons feeling a bit samey the more and more you do them, and hunters dream being a bit tedious to fast travel to places

Any update to Bloodborne would kill these problems, which is why I now realize why people want it so badly.

This game gets EVERYTHING right, the combat alone would give it five stars because it is some of the most engaging combat i will ever play in my life, and the bosses compliment the combat by making them faster, more aggressive, and harder hitting, urging you to do the same. The rally system is one of the best mechanics ever made and is a stroke of absolute genius.
The vibe and environments in this game are absolutely breathtaking and have just BARELY started to show their age.

This game would be the best game ever made with some small tweaks, but even as it stands right now it is one of the best games of all time. A must play for anyone who even remotely likes videogames.


absolute radiance can suck my dick and balls

this is HORRIBLE on a normal basic ass controller, but i endured the pain so i could hear kendrick lamar in fortnite

One of the worst things to happen to me once i got my ps5 was that all of my save data for all my ps4 games was pretty much wiped. And one game in particular, i was pretty torn up about
I had noticed throughout these last few years that i compare every game i play to that one. It did this better, it did that better, i think it did this better than you did this.

This game, of course, is Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is... fucking amazing man, and was my realization that video games could be so much more than just "fun". They can be genuine life altering experiences just like other forms of art. But as i said, anything after it couldnt come close to the absolute brute that hollow knight was.

it was today when i realized ive been looking at this all wrong.

The way I play games is fundamentaly, flawed.

Bloodborne is the kind of thing i could only dream of creating, right? I think thats the universal opinion on this game, but really man it kinda just does everything perfectly.
I could nitpick, but there really isnt a point when you're at a 5 michelin star restaurant.
And yet, i still found myself comparing this game to hollow knight? These are both very different types of games, so there is no excuse here. However i think if figured out whats wrong with the way i play games. The way bloodborne works is once you get your ending, it immediately starts you back up on new game plus. I first thought this as kind of weird and dumb, but then it hit me.
"I didnt do the dlc..."
And then another thing hit me
" I have to go back and do it all over again, don't I?"
And then one final thing hit me
" I have, not once since playing hollow knight, played everything a game had to offer."

Thats why i havent been able to find a game that rivals hollow knight, i havent gone into all the games that i love and gone to 100% them like i did with hollow knight.
Now obviously, you dont have to 100% a game to determine if a game is good, but i think its criminal that most of the games that ive given 5/5 to, i have never gone back to them.
So... thats my goal next year, im gonna go back and 100% some of these games to see if they truly stand the test of time.
Bloodborne will be first up on the chopping block. Because what other game than bloodborne could help me realize this. Thank you, you sweet dark, lovecraftian fucked up nightmare. Also because a hunter MUST hunt.

this games VIBE is what everyone praises it for. i generally agree that this game has the sauce.
the problem?
the rest of the actual game.

the combat is very repetitive and annoying.
this game expects you to go in complete free flow and not get hit at all and it is stupid.
enemies do not die EVER.

every stealth section in this game is absurdly difficult because if you get caught, it is essentially over for you.
somehow batman does not know what the fuck bullet proof armor is? because bro dies so fast to bullets its a miracle hes managed to beat ANYBODY.

every single boss (up to the point i stopped playing which was right before poison ivy's boss fight) is repetitive and boring.

its just batman fightin a big guy.

every single part of this game feels like ive done it before and i feel like a schizophrenic guy going insane.
maybe thats the point? it IS an asylum after all.
genuinely if all of this trash ass combat stuff is to service the vibes then maybe im in the wrong. but even still i cant accept it because it doesnt make the combat better, i just understand WHY they did it that way.

overall, i really hated PLAYING this, but i liked WATCHING what was happening.

Alright, ill say it, i dont like fortnite anymore.

To say that epic games had achieved success with Fortnite back in 2017-2018 wouldve been an complete understatement. This shit took over the world, and for a while it felt like it wasn't trying to be anything it wasn't, it was a bit bare bones sure, but it was an endearing game with a beating heart.

it doesnt feel like that anymore.

It feels like an extension of the fucking Epic Games Store. Where i can purchase random bullshit IP# 55678 and make them shoot other random IP#67431. Originally i was ok with this just being how fortnite was at this point. It wasn't about the gunplay or the building, it was about having a gigantic game with a bunch of different IP running in to each other. Its kinda like smash ultimate, but with the running cohesive thread being simply "they can all shoot each other and dance"

Epic decided that this was not enough, it was time to expand Fortnite into different genres of games! And the response has been! "uhhh.... ok?"

The battle royale mode was originally made to sell people on the co-op PVE mode Save the World, but that clearly didn't end up working out. So why do they think that these will work out any better? People hop onto fortnite to shoot ryu, build battle spiderman, and gangnam style after killing jack skellington, not play a mediocre game that meets the BARE MINIMUM to be considered in the realm of a racing game.

My point being is that epic just needs to understand what they are at this point. They shouldn't be the new fucking roblox, they should just be the funny silly gun game with all your favorite characters!
Lest you worry about how that feeds into capitalistic mindset of video game companies to look at this and see dollar signs waiting to be put in their bank accounts as long as they add peter griffin to their game!

atleast fortnite is one of the better companies doing the whole "grab as much IP as we possibly can!" in terms of how mostly consumer friendly they are and good at listening to their community.
( unlike some companies....AHEM..blizzard....)

theres something so human about helldivers 2 that makes you keep playing, and im not just talking about the community and PEOPLE behind this game. the real reason you keep playing is because you saw you can unlock a jetpack, a war machine, and a fucking nuke. this unlocks the little monkey inside all our brains that wants to see cool shit happening, and it just works! the games sense of humor and the world it builds, almost forces you to just want to be the stupidest looking badass you can be. and, the best part? you can do it with your friends!
the only problems i would say the game has right now is that, well first clean up the glitches and bugs, but MAINLY? keep getting silly! keep getting weird! i really think this game should promote having fun by making stupid silly perks and guns! Its in the early stages right now so I'll let it slide, but i REALLY want to see what this team can cook up in a couple months... anyway go play so you yourself can spread democracy via annihilation of several bug species and robot people!

Got about 5 hours in when i realized how boring, generic, and one note the story was, along with ok gameplay. along with dialouge that sounds generated by AI this was a waste of time

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there was like a fucking dog bite on my copy of this game

i would probably like this a lot more if my AP Human Geography teacher wasn't racist and bad at her job.

Yeah dialouge kinda sucks, the way they spoil puzzles is a bit annoying, and god of war (2018) will age much better due to its simpler story. With all that being said i still think this is better than 90% of most AAA games on the market.