if you dont play as mugman instead of cuphead, you cannot be trusted

thanks to this game for teaching me about the importance of breathing exercises

im glad atleast in their final days alphadream decided to go back to basics and learn why their games where popular in the first place, it just so happened however that this was the WORST time to do so and unfortunately what led them to bankruptcy :(
one day they will somehow come back from the dead and make another italian bros rpg

as a person who has only played this souls game, this is easily the best souls game (probably)

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fuck ultra necrozma

the conductor is peak character design.

theres a reason no other game has killed smash yet

my real gripe with this game is once you die there is literally nothing to do other than more boring tasks

can confirm, it was fun to play minecraft this week, now to never play it again for another year!

i have NEVER played a game with as fluid movement as this. Games like this bring so much creativity to the table, allowing the player to go absolutely nuts. I only wish EA realized how special of a game this really was.

overwatch 2 is like mainline heroin

WAY less cringe than i thought it would be

as someone who never played overwatch 1, this is pretty fun. However it does seem to be a copy paste of the original with a few new a additions. This is still a really fun game with good characters but i do feel like competitive is a horrible system

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gaming peaked when starlord caught his mixtape with a dragon behind him