Charlie is a vile, irredeemable bastard who kills a coworker due to genuine incompetency and borderline childish stunted developmental issues. He relishes in chaos and takes no responsibility for his actions. Charlie needs his head caved in by a wooden mallet. The cutscenes were charming though


The fat American cows could never understand such simple pleasures

Really fun game, when you get like five flag and the course becomes unintelligible, shit gives me the best kind of panic. The only downside is the lack of content, but hell, I got me 17 hours of fun from this. For the price, that's a steal

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Okay, It's great and good and fantastic. It looks beautiful, it sounds great, the characters and enemies are really good looking, the gameplay is fun yada yada yada

FUCK THE LAST BOSS, FUCK HIM, IT IS A TERRIBLE BOSS. It literally drags the game down from being perfect. It is a spit in the face of this game. You mean to tell me that for the last boss of this beat-em-up where you can do a wide range of juggles and keep away, it is just about throwing enemies at the cockpit?? I don't CARE if it is from the original, change the fucking boss, fix the design! On normal, it is an annoyance. On hard, it is abysmal, it's genuinely awful. Instead of doing something different with the difficulty increase like have the harder enemies show up instead of the lower rank enemies, they just lob every single enemy of the game at you, flooding the screen and say good luck. For Yaksha (the character I'm playing currently and what prompted me to even do this review) has such a bad go at it. Her kit and movement is really fun, but fuck me, since the last boss only gets damaged from throws, it is a slog to do with her. Her throw that launches enemies up goes diagonally, so you have to get the right spot to throw them, which just so happens to be right near where the floor lasers are. Her charge attack has the ability to hit the boss twice, but you're vulnerable and again, you have to get into that sweet spot. I hate to rag on the game cause I really do love it a lot, but this boss can fuck itself, what terrible design.



That ending after hyper hexagonest is so raw

Do NOT believe the person below me, this game fucking rules! They mention that the first encounter is one you are meant to lose. FALSE, literally just have them chase you around the outer edge of the arena until they are in a line then, with your quick turn, either shoot or (I recommend this way) swipe at the enemy with your blade, the hit stun the enemy goes through will give you enough time to quick turn and run away, rinse and repeat until all three are dead (ps, I turned off autoaim, it's not very good, just use free aim). Speaking on that, the aiming is pretty easy, and with the very fast quick turn the game gives you, you should be able to outmaneuver the enemies if you give it enough practice. Just be mindful of the hit-boxes and the timing of the enemy attacks. Third, they talk about running out of toothwheels, a resource required to save. It is the currency, you use it to buy weapons, costumes, supplies. Yes, they are limited, you can only find them on every single enemy, in various locations (shelves and sinks), and from bosses. But it costs ONE (1) single toothwheel to save. If you save so much in a survival horror game that you worry about running out of toothwheels (the lowest an enemy ever gives you is 3-4 toothwheels), perhaps survival horror games aren't for you (side note, there is an area where there are enemies in bleachers cheering, killing one gives you a single toothwheel, go to that area and shoot one if you are strapped for toothwheels). Now, onto my opinions of the game. I will agree with the person below me on one thing. The overall aesthetics of the game, the tone, the atmosphere. All great. They each are charming and brimming with care. As a main character, Alisa has tiny bits of personality that shine through that really add to her as a character, I love her. Also this game let me punch out the first enemy you encounter in the dollhouse while wearing the cutest dress. Soulful gaming.

The best of all time. SNK, I kneel

So so so so so so good, the combos you can do feel so nice to hit and the addition of vertical movement in this feels like such fresh air, will play again and again

Very charming, beloved......

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People who complain about the controls literally need things to be streamlined in order to enjoy things or else it's "the soul is good but...oooo...the controls" Either adapt or stop playing games. Get a job, broke ass boys.

Not as good as the first one, but definitely an enjoyable experience. The two biggest things going against it is the lack of Soichi Terada and british people saying "Hikaru"

A scene of a limp-wristed man in a scarf zerking it and calling himself an artist plays forever