The only game I loved on the Wii

Ok some of the shovelware was enjoyable

Didn't feel as good as the first

Played on PS3, Switch, PSVR, Xbox One. This playthrough was modded. It's Skyrim what else is there to say.

I will name my firstborn loader bot...probably not. This is the greatest comedy game ever created. I absolutely adored it.

The greatest fishing game of all time

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First game on my FIRST Steam Deck.
Yes my first Steam has a stuck pixel and is going to be returned for a new unit. I'm really not surprised Valve went back to Portal because they've used Portal to show off most their hardware so far. I am surprised that they added so much to the lore about Cave and the turrets in 30 minutes. Fun game! Please make Portal 3 :)

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It’s really close to being the perfect JRPG. But some story beats, tired gameplay mechanics, and awful music keep it from being a 5/5 for me. Played on Series X. Originally started on Switch, but I didn’t find handheld fitting for this game. Completed 99% of the game. Only unfinished stuff was 509/740 bestiary and 883/975 items acquired. Didn't play 2D mode (feels under baked). Best song is Light through the Leaves of Love Symphonic.

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Jesus this game was tough as nails. But it's a great showcase for the crank and has a fun story about a guy who wishes he was a man one inch tall that could bounce on a playdate crank for ten years.

Clearly a game made over a day type thing. Not bad though

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This has to be one of the most frustrating video games I have ever played. The lack of control over the character consistently creates situations where you don't feel responsible for your death. The lack of an OST is aggravating. The sound design is grating. This is still a tight game and 50 total levels was a surprise. But I never want to play this again.

Did everything but NG+. This game starts out really strong. But it’s about 10 hours longer than it needs to be. Really drags at the end and gets repetitive and grindy. The music was amazing though. Still looking forward to whatever drinkbox makes next.