olharam pra mim e eu tava lá
olharam pra mim de novo e tinha um negócio preto puxando meu corpo

entrarão na minha casa e quebrarão meu pescoço


This was the first Pokemon game I've ever played, and for quite some time I thought my love for it was due to that fact.

Boy was I wrong.

Platinum is a truly amazing in so many ways. Sinnoh's pace, even though a bit sluggish in Diamond/Pearl, is made faster and brighter in this outstanding game, and it never fails yo bring you close to the story of that region and its people.
The gameplay itself, apart from the health bars that take days to deplete, is challenging and engaging.

I love Platinum with all my heart, and will always recommend it to any Pokemon lover OR newcomer to the series.

Emerald takes what was great in ruby/sapphire and elevates it sky-high. The already insanely crazy story from its predecessors is expanded in clever ways, and turned into a complete chaos - much appreciated, by the way.


Great game, bat-s*** insane story - which is normal by Pokemon standards - and a very fun endgame.

Great game, bat-s*** insane story - which is normal by Pokemon standards - and a very fun endgame.

perfect game for starters, and also a good introduction to the series as a whole (even if this is the remake)

the new-gen additions are very welcome


I could spend hours talking about Hades, but I think a few sentences may sufice:

What a joy it was.
Thank you, Super Giant, for giving me one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had with a videogame. I will never forget what I lived during my playtime, and I will always cherish every moment I spent playing this masterpiece.

I couldn't be more excited for Hades II.

Getting the Raiden suit in this game was both chaotic and beautiful.

The reason is that, even tough it's a pain to get all S Ranks in story missions... it was a joy to play through it all again. Phantom Pain managed to bring tears to my eyes in more than one ocasion, and I'll be happy to play it again if I ever feel like doing it one more time.

A good chunk of the game was cut out, and I could still feel that Kojima's heart was poured all over this game. Simply amazing.

I've been playing MH:World since January 2019, and when I first got my hands on it, via the Xbox Gamepass library, I didn't know what to expect. Being my first experience with the franchise, I was positively surprised with a game that not only kept me wanting more and more, but also bonded with me as a player.

A world so full of life, manufactured with such passion and care, brought to me many of my most fond memories with friends, while also being able to provide a solo experience worth every second.

Iceborne was the icing on the cake of this masterfully crafted game, bringing it all together to strike me once again with stunning visuals, a beautiful soundtrack worth listening to, and a gameplay cycle so fun it got me stuck, always wanting to go back for another hunt.