The greatest game I’ve ever played has finally been beaten after so many years of beating it last!

Now it’s time to move onto the sequel that somehow bests this game in every single way from what I’ve heard…

The game that actually got into Pokémon!!!

So many days spent sneaking downstairs to steal Dada’s phone to go bike around the neighborhood with Seth to catch a bunch of Pokémon was the most epic thing ever!

Even when I got older I’d play this game a lot with Zaid which was always so fun! I’m never gonna get into this like I did before, but thing game is such a genius concept that makes you get up and about! I even remember studying Trainer Tips to get a mastery of the game, and I even made a peak effort to watch every single new video he had!

Weirdly, I remember lots of aspects of this game insanely clearly. I remember playing this with Isa and Luqman every single time Luqman came over. We were at the perfect age to get hyped and constantly play this when the remaster came out, and I clearly remember the aspect of fun always being there when we played it.

The memories will last forever hopefully!

The amount of hype this game had for me upon release was crazyyy!!! The aspect of having physical Lego characters that you could add to the game was the coolest thing ever when I was a kid playing this. I wasted sooo much money for no reason buying more and more characters irl to play in the game, and to unlock their dimensions.

I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything! Very comparable to Lego Harry Potter nostalgia wise, but I do have more clear memories of this game since it was more recent. SO many fun times, SO many great memories, SO many play-throughs watched trying to see how new dimensions looked before buying them!

I’ll never forget the love I had for this masterpiece of a game! Such a shame it’s so hard to play this now😔

Honestly, every Lego game just has insane nostalgia for me because that was IT when I was growing up with that Xbox One in the house!

This is the epitome of childhood nostalgia when it comes to games for me! I have vivid vivid memories of playing Dumbledore vs Voldemort and making their spell clash last like a full minute constantly and annoying my brother because it due to how cool it was to me!

No game will probably ever top this when it comes to childhood nostalgia!

I don’t even remember how good this game truly was, but the memories I have of playing this on iPhone as a kid are good enough for me

This game is sooooo simple yet soooooo satisfying. I could play this for hours one day, forget about it for a year, then come back and play it again for hours in a day before doing the same thing again.

The memories that I have of playing this with Ammar at the beginning of our Qalam journey trying so hard to finally get that 1st place are something that I’m forever grateful for this game for.

Mannn I was so hyped when this came out cause I thought it was gonna revitalize the greatness that was Overwatch at it’s prime, but within literally a week or 2, this game reached peak levels of boredom! The game style just doesn’t feel exciting anymore when you compare it to other MOBAs

This was a 9/10 game in its prime, but with time it has HEAVILY deteriorated to the mid game that it was before the 2nd game came out.

Good when you’re playing it, but wow does it get boring ridiculously quick. That cycle literally goes in circles whenever I play this, over and over again!

One of the most satisfying, beautiful, and hard games I’ve ever played!

I evidently don’t play many games, but when I do play them it’s never on the hardest mode. For this game, I did something unique in that I played it in the hardest mode the entire way through. That made the game soooo much more fun, which is something I never say for a hard more. The satisfaction that came from dodging and parrying and fighting with stronger enemies was so great cause of how amazing the combat system is! Easily one of the best combat systems I’ve ever played with. It made flawless work of the PS5 haptic feedback also!

The story was extensive and very entertaining. It fit the theme of the game so well and it was great following it along. The only downside to it was that there were some periods spread throughout that were kinda uninteresting, random, and boring. Luckily they were far and few between so it wasn’t too bad.

I can’t justify a 5/5, but this was truly a goated experience! Eventually, I’m definitely gonna come back to this game to 100% it and clear every single section of the map, but for now, beating the entire campaign will do!

Also this took me so long to beat cause of the amount of games I was playing at once soon after I got the PS5 and Qalam started!

Even though this is the most consistent game I’ve ever played in the amount of time I’ve played it, I just can’t give it a 10 despite it being on of my All-Time favorites due to the level of toxicity in this game lol.


Good enough for what it’s trying, but not my kinda game. Still, there was something very satisfying about being a cat and roaming around trying to do stuff.

The simplistic nature of this game is beautiful in a way.

Epic game yo!!! Literally played this before Spider-Man 2018, and I’m kinda happy about it. The haptic feedback is insane, and on top of that it’s so satisfying swinging around and beating up people. The story wasn’t the greatest thing ever but it was more than great enough to support the amazing graphics, the beautiful looking city, the satisfying swinging, and the glorious combat. Not to mention Miles is a great main character.

Spider-Man 2018 is gonna be soon, but now that I got a PS5, this is gonna be glorious!