I saw a review of this in a magazine as a kid and got so hyped to play a cool 3D Power Rangers action game because I didn't know what "side scroller" meant at the time. The first 2 seconds of this were a cruel learning experience

Transcendent core gameplay, mediocre 7th-gen jank everything else.

Fascinating piece of work, a swan song both to Black Rock Shooter as a franchise and the PSP. Surprisingly compelling characters, fantastic art style, fun and unique combat, just a neatly designed game that had no business even existing, let alone being as good as it is.

3-hour tech demo. Said tech is extremely cool but 25 goddamn dollarydoos for this is a joke. Back in my day this would be a free download on GamersHell dot com

Incredibly bizarre to make a Transformers game in the vein of "Bayonetta with a loot system", but it's still a banger you can ram through in an afternoon

I love the concept of this game being something as innocuous as "haha what if prop hunt but the props hunt you" but ran through a Suda51-inspired Cronenbergian nightmare

Cool, cool. Where's the rest of it?

This is a game that was stuck in development hell for about a decade after originally being planned for the PSP, and BOY does it play exactly how you would expect!

Shoutouts to Kraz Muehler the worst character design of all time

Done dirty by GFWL, like many remnants of the time. It's a crime a game this fun hasn't gotten a re-release.
Although if it ever does, they need to ditch the unlock system. I don't know who approved a gacha crammed with a billion dog tags as a way to potentially unlock weapons, but I hope they're blacklisted from the industry.

In an attempt to diversify their somewhat homogenous portfolio, Platinum created an action game that has zero charm and controls like shit on purpose

The video game equivalent of a wet fart.

Imagine if this actually ended up being the series finale. Like a marathon runner crossing the finish line by falling dead from a brain aneurysm

Nighttime London Sim kinda rocks

I don't remember if this was good or not and I can't be assed to replay it to check but holy shit remember the club shootout scene that had a Miku ripoff blasting in the OST? Maybe video games can be art