Lures you in with the entertaining promise of letting you do funny cat things, which it does deliver on for about half an hour, but then throws you into a bland melancholic cyberpunk adventure where the fact that you're a feline critter is basically irrelevant save for brief cutesy button prompts. Sorry what I meant to say was You Can Meow And Pet The Heckin Kitterino 11/10

Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

This is like if cum had gameplay

Very good Sonic-inspired music album. Apparently you get an extra game with it too but I haven't checked it out yet.

Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he touches flowers? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mystical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance.

I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by tushing flowes all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-a go!" Keep it up, baby!

When Mario leaves his place of safety to grab a flowey, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero, but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind. Perchance.

Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight