There is 10 seconds of gameplay variety in this

If you paired up Szymanski's ability to design a mortifying buildup with someone who can deliver a payoff that's not just a scary face popping up on your screen I think you'd have a pretty solid horror experience, but overall this is better than Iron Lung

Metal Wolf Chaos for women

Sometimes I think "it would be cool if Konami was still putting out weird Yugioh games with unusual gameplay styles" until I actually play one of said games and experience the definition of licensed third-party shovelware. The developers were probably given the terms "Yugioh" and "kart racer" along with a 6-month dev cycle and had to make the most of it, which is why the game's "meta" consists of summoning Sonic Chick and holding on to 3 copies of Rush Recklessly until the final lap so you can stand a chance against the comically overtuned rubberbanding. The game is over in 2 hours and little Timmy's christmas is ruined.

Imagine if this actually ended up being the series finale. Like a marathon runner crossing the finish line by falling dead from a brain aneurysm

In an attempt to diversify their somewhat homogenous portfolio, Platinum created an action game that has zero charm and controls like shit on purpose

Megaman X1 but everything's a little... off. It's like playing the original game in a dream.

Shoutouts to Kraz Muehler the worst character design of all time

Transcendent core gameplay, mediocre 7th-gen jank everything else.

I don't remember if this was good or not and I can't be assed to replay it to check but holy shit remember the club shootout scene that had a Miku ripoff blasting in the OST? Maybe video games can be art

Done dirty by GFWL, like many remnants of the time. It's a crime a game this fun hasn't gotten a re-release.
Although if it ever does, they need to ditch the unlock system. I don't know who approved a gacha crammed with a billion dog tags as a way to potentially unlock weapons, but I hope they're blacklisted from the industry.

Imagine paying $60 for a Prince of Persia game back in 2008 and getting the world's longest QTE simulator starring a Jersey fratbro as the protagonist.

The video game equivalent of a wet fart.

Incredibly bizarre to make a Transformers game in the vein of "Bayonetta with a loot system", but it's still a banger you can ram through in an afternoon

Cool, cool. Where's the rest of it?