The jump in quality between the first game and this is staggering. The only western Souls clone I've not only finished, but went back for seconds.

No standout qualities, no identity beyond being "Dark Souls but anime".

The epitome of a 7th-gen western action game - big burly badass protag, gameplay as derivative as an Asylum movie, comical levels of hyper-violence, and serious aspirations for a lore-heavy universe with only a sprinkling of irony. Fun romp elevated by Joe Mad's designs (or overdesigns if you wanna put it like that), but as basic as they get.

Even without the map editor that allowed you to make anything from Dragon Ball RPGs to top-down Quake 3, this would still be one of the greatest games ever made.

broken unbalanced fucking mess tearing apart at the seams. more please!!

it's like if Titanfall 2 and E.Y.E. had a baby that got dropped on its head on birth

You can literally cut out an entire half of this game and it improves twofold.

I can't blame the game itself for everything it did to the survival horror genre for 7 years straight, buuut I'm gonna do it anyway!

monster hunter for boring people

Nothing better than a serviceable $3 beat-em-up with a basic but fun campaign and solid game feel on a weekend to close out the year. It's crazy how far you'll get with me if you just make the act of just hitting bad guys satisfying even if you do nothing else in the whole game

Picked this up because I was in the mood for a cool werewolf detective story, which it was, but I feel like it would've been better in any other medium where it was paced better and not pretending that your choices have consequences (yeah I know Telltale game jokes on me). But yeah, decent layered mystery, cool setting, great vibe and OST, (mostly) good designs and the voice acting really brings the mood together. I also didn't think that something this linear could be this buggy, I spent a third of an episode with a dollar clipping through Bigby's thumb which made it look like he's constantly trying to get people to unstick it from his hand which honestly sounds like a funny plot point that should've actually been in the game.

Imagine resurrecting a series after nearly 35 years just to make it Worse Dead Cells

Good co-op fun with a bunch of nice designs that skirt the line of Bayformers clusterfuck but remain in the colorful recognizable zone, but mostly still a prototype for the much better sequel.

Should've stopped here, Croteam