Cool, cool. Where's the rest of it?

3-hour tech demo. Said tech is extremely cool but 25 goddamn dollarydoos for this is a joke. Back in my day this would be a free download on GamersHell dot com

This is a game that was stuck in development hell for about a decade after originally being planned for the PSP, and BOY does it play exactly how you would expect!

Second verse same as the first.

Lamest Mavericks in the series though, at least until X7.

I saw a review of this in a magazine as a kid and got so hyped to play a cool 3D Power Rangers action game because I didn't know what "side scroller" meant at the time. The first 2 seconds of this were a cruel learning experience

I was initially thrown off by how quaint and small in scope this was compared to Cave Story, but was fully engaged by the end and even more invested when I realised the extra modes are whole remixes of the game packed with new stuff, secrets and a goofy plot continuation. Oooh and that jacket is so fucking swanky!!

Fascinating piece of work, a swan song both to Black Rock Shooter as a franchise and the PSP. Surprisingly compelling characters, fantastic art style, fun and unique combat, just a neatly designed game that had no business even existing, let alone being as good as it is.

I love the concept of this game being something as innocuous as "haha what if prop hunt but the props hunt you" but ran through a Suda51-inspired Cronenbergian nightmare

Nighttime London Sim kinda rocks

A non-stop shower of love for the best parts of the franchise, without ever feeling like soulless fanservice. Magnificent campaign that constantly mixes things up, up to the spectacular climax that is the final stage. If Vanquish didn't exist, this would probably be the peak of 7th-gen third-person shooters.

Fuck Activision.

The only thing more embarrassing than this game itself was the feeling of playing it.
Half a star for the Windows XP vibes.

I was instantly drawn to the outlandish visuals, and the opening portion really intensified my interest, only to realize about an hour in that 80% of the game is repeating the nearly exact same 10 minutes of "gameplay" to watch different FMV's, and 20% an ending route so cryptic it should've been a video game on its own.


It's fine but it feels like most people who love it just want to play the exact same retro FPS until the sun burns out and are deathly allergic to innovation

The jump in quality between the first game and this is staggering. The only western Souls clone I've not only finished, but went back for seconds.