looked aight. but its verry buggy and confusing to play and understand the moves (probably because of translation issues).

-i adore this game's art style. it is absolutely amazing.

- the gameplay is super fun and simple.

- the story and setting were also really good. definitely worth playing.

- this game is a buggy mess. the game crashed like 3 times, multiple glitched missions where i had to restart the game in order to continue and a couple of funny harmful bugs with the faces.

- aside from the bugs and glitches, the game is enjoyable. the story is definitely the highlight of the game.

- the gameplay is alright. it wasn't too bad nor too good.

i honestly dont know what i played. was pretty cool tho. BUCKET!!!

the game has a lot of potential, which sucks. because my god the MC just makes me want to vomit. manz cant go 1 minute without swearing and bitching which just makes the dialogue filler with no meaning. dropped after a couple of hours of gameplay. the game looks super pretty tho.

THIS IS A VIDEOGAME ASS VIDEOGAME. best FPS i have ever played.

wanted to see why there was alot of fuss about this game when it came out. and i can see why the fans were angry as it was obvious that there was alot of cut content from the original release. But as a newcomer to the series i really enjoyed it, i liked RE2: remake better tho.

it is a Bayonetta game alright. very fun gameplay, the story doesn't take itself too seriously (which i liked). Didn't like Viola's character but like het gameplay. but man do i wish it was on a better system than the Switch T_T

this is absolutely the best ARPG ever. it is so smooth to play, and you there is a nice amount of depth into the class building, not to the point where it becomes confusing and daunting ( like Path of Exile for example). the story was good, just wished Lilith had more screen time, she was an amazing character.

At first i just thought of it as a cheap Botw cheap copy. but as i played the game i can see that it did start as a botw copy, but then found something that made it unique. and i absolutely loved the story. especially Sumeru <3

A Final Fantasy fan dream game <3

a fun 2 hour twin-stick shooter that is actually a single stick shooter. a quick and fun platinum

Finally, an Xbox game that is not a shooter, and what a game it is. Hi-Fi Rush is full of charm and creativity everywhere you look, from the lovely characters and the music that goes along with the phenomenal rhythm gameplay. this was probably the best shadow drop ever.