
This is not "best storytelling" or something this is just the camera movement, lighting, DoF, Lenses, filters etc. I made this list out of my mind so there may be some games that I've forget or just didn't play it, so let me know you suggestions if you have any (and if you care about this list.)

And yes I love one-shot film.


1 year ago

Oh yes RDR2 (and 1) definitely has some great shots and homages, I should include them to the list.

1 year ago

Shadow of the Colossus has some impressive visuals but it's more like the beauty and art direction of the game than the actual "cinematography" imo

1 year ago

I don't know if it necessarily makes this list but Hellblade was a standout for me in this regard. Here's the moody opening and this is a more spoil-y but dynamic scene.

1 year ago

Came in here to mention Vagrant Story but it's already on the list as it should be.

1 year ago

I'd put Vagrant Story to the top tbh,otherwise fantastic list

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