Alright. Not a barn burner, was enjoyable. Really like the themes of perseverance and understanding even though they were handled very typically. Just a fun albeit generic experience.

Still a great Beat Em Up. The pinnacle of 90's Beat Em' Ups.

Played through the Cowabunga collection. Not very good of a Beat Em' Up but still pretty fun.

Hated it. Just an empty shell of a Pokémon game.

I liked it. Didn't do anything particularly good. But I had fun.

Jackie Chan simulator. Fantastic game.

Good platformer. I like it alot.

Terrible game. Ran bad. Looked bad. Was bad. Tried to pretend Knight's identity was a secret when everybody called it from the first trailer. Babs was annoying, Tim was annoying, Nightwing was nonexistent. This game is why Gotham Knight and Suicide Squad are happening and it should be tried for it.
Combat is the most realized it's ever been though. The Stealth got a much needed upgrade by just letting you burst into a room to take down crowds of goons. Then they stop the little bit of fun you're having and put you in the Batmobile. Garbage game.

Another fantastic episode of the Animated Series. Don't like it as much as the first but was still heads above a lot that was out the time.

Felt Like an episode of the Animated Series. Final boss felt like a "had to" thing. Like "it should have been something else but this is the thing we built up". Good game.

Was way too hyped for this game after people singing its praises. Was good.

Excellent game. The arcade game of shooters. Short enough to pick it up play for an after noon.

A fine game. A lot of fluff I would prefer was not there and the plot was lacking. But still good.

A great RPG. Didn't fully grasp all the systems but was still a good experience.