A new favorite. Played at a local arcade and instantly fell in love. Helped the cab itself was in excellent condition. Felt buttery smooth to play. Great game.

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A great 3d Platformer in the style of a 2010s Disney channel cartoon but good. It's also Pikmin for some reason. Ending had a bit of cosmic horror in it I didn't expect. In fact I expected this to be a children's game but it feels more mid teens.

The best 7th Gen Fight Game.

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A terrible game that I enjoyed greatly. Every decision they made about this game feels incredibly antiquated. No manual saves, No reloading, and no fast travel. All of those decisions greatly drag down the experience. Without those choices I would be happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by how well written the story is and how I enjoyed the Embracing. Making you a doctor turned into a vampire during a pandemic is actually quite clever and I enjoyed learning about the characters and keeping them healthy in order to get as much EXP as possible. However, in between all that is long walks between goals, getting constantly lost and choices that are not clear enough for how they force you into dealing with consequences. I fell for one such trap where the option charm Dorothy was open to me but the game was not clear with what that entailed. I assumed with what was written Dorothy would simply forget about the dirt she had on Ashbury but remain at the hospital. Instead the charming drove her insane and she went missing. Wanting to force the player into committing to their choices is fine but make your intent clear. If the choice says eat sandwich I of course am going to be upset when my character stabs the waiter while taking the sandwich when there is no indication that that is apart of the choice. Ultimately this game fills a hole in my heart left by VTM: Bloodlines. I cant say that I enjoyed this game as much but it is very close to how I would want a new VTM to be like.

A fun arcade Shmup. Would have benefitted from being Twin Stick. Very short and lacking content but fun. Could have been worse, could have been Mortal Kombat Special Forces.

A very good yet very unfair Metal Slug clone. The art and overall aesthetics are top notch. Gameplay feels slightly loose and incredibly unfair. I would have docked more points if I didn't have unlimited continues. Overall I had a lot of fun and definitely will play again.

A fine RPG that has the unfortunate trait of constantly reminding me how much I enjoyed earlier games combat. It's a great Yakuza game otherwise. The characters are a major strength, not a dud in the bunch. But with the grinding needed I won't be finishing this.

It's appropriate that Fallout 4 introduces Synths and the Institute because this is a cold, heartless copy of something you once loved. F@#$% you Todd.

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A very good but empty feeling game. This is only the second Ratchet game I have played, the first being Ratchet PS4. I had high expectations for the visuals of this game because Ratchet PS4 is the best looking game on the console. I was happy to see Rift Apart looks better in a lot of ways. The gameplay is tight and feels good although I'm not a big fan of a lot of the weapons. The biggest complaint I had for this game was how little you play as Ratchet and Clank. The gameplay is split pretty evenly between Ratchet and Rivet but Rivet has Clank most of the time. But by the end I found myself really wanting a Rivet and Kit game. Emperor Nefarious was also hilarious. He spent his life on easy mode dealing with Rivet and the Rebellion and loses it when he goes to Ratchets dimension and gets his ass kicked. All in all I enjoyed my time with the game but have no desire to play anymore.

Nintendo spends 20 years making the most milquetoast Mario games imaginable and then releases one of the best 2d platformers in the last 30 years. Also don't think I didn't notice that after working with Ubisoft Wonder has the musical bits like Rayman.

A fantastic product that is actually kind of bad at doing it's job. It's essentially Guitar Hero with an actual guitar. The issue is there aren't as many learning tools as there needs to be. The biggest one that is missing is a metronome. If you are actually a beginner, as in the first time you laid hands on a guitar was when you bought one for this game, do not rely solely on this game. Watch some videos and find a good community to talk to. Also playing through HDMI audio introduces heavy latency so make sure to find some videos to help with audio set up. Get yourself an amp and a tuner and practice outside of the game. Use this tool as just that, a tool.

Other than that Rocksmith is great. Once you have everything setup, Rocksmith plays like dream. I personally don't like the way it tries to teach you the songs by drip feeding the riffs based on how well you're doing. But that is entirely because I was an intermediate player when I began playing. The way I was taught to play was to keep going after you've made a mistake and try to improve as you go. This is difficult to do when the game takes away bits of the song if it feels you're having trouble. So I will make a mistake, the riff will simplify which throws me off causing me to make more mistakes and simplifying the riff even further. I turned that off immediately.

The best tool this game has is the riff repeater. You can pick a section of the song and play it over and over. You can set the speed of the riff and the game will speed it up once you get the hang of it until it gets back up to 100% speed. The songs included are a pretty good spread. Got some Metal, some Punk, some Blues, a little Pop, even some Hip Hop.

All in all Rocksmith is probably the best guitar learning tool there has ever been because the best way to improve your playing is to play along with the song you're learning. This gamifies it.

Still a masterpiece of a game. With the same lovable jank I expect from a Igavania. Especially the shop glitch I am convinced is intentional.

A very good experience with some small issues. I respect how realized their vision is. Nothing ever feels like they could have done more. I only have one issue with the trick system and that is that it hinges not on tricks themselves but on hitting different spots. The only way to get multipliers is to hit wallrides, ramps, and to lean into rail corners. Which wouldn't be too much of an issue if the AI wasn't a master of these things. So you have to pretty much do the same lines they are doing. The combat is there. Bosses are fun. Needs icons on the map and maybe chill on the heat system a bit. All in all Bomb Rush is fine attempt at Jet Set Radio and I hope the Developers give it another go.

An excellent wrestling game. Was advertised as a return to No Mercy style gameplay. They even got Geta to direct. However it goes beyond that but also sometimes doesn't quite reach it. It feels like a natural evolution and simplification of that system. I really like how this game feels. But I think my favorite thing about this game is how it's breaking peoples minds. A major wrestling company releases a game that doesn't have the production values of the WWE games and nobody knows what to do. I respect it. Does need more match types and I'm hoping for a tournament mode of some kind as
well. CAW is really limited but I don't really care. I really need to play Def Jam FFNY again though. That was one of the last games Geta directed and is probably the best Aki engine game. Would love to be able to compare the two.

A very good action game. Felt like a low budget PS2 game(Complimentary). Like the art direction. The music was generic but good, no stand out bangers here. Just a very joyous romp through a kinda hackey but enjoyable story. Like a bad anime you catch at 3 am on a Saturday. Pleasantly surprised by this.