29 Reviews liked by RemLezar

I begged my parents for this and lived to regret my decision immediately

Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe you're all just haters

Dude you literally just waggle the remote like I thought people were overexaggerating but no there is nothing here this is embarrassing. Hell, you don't even have to even HAVE to waggle it, I just sat there for some songs. I understand it's supposed to be like "Music can be whatever you want!" but it's still not good!

I still wake up late at night in a cold sweat remembering the time I brought this game to a party in high school instead of rock band.


This review contains spoilers

So I'm not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but I had absolutely no idea that this game was multiplayer.

At first, I didn't quite like that. I wondered why this lonely, atmospheric experience was hampered by being forced to play with other random weirdos online. I thought that the game would be much better if it was solo experience, reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus - where you can fully immerse yourself in the world and be completely isolated from everyone else. To me, it didn't make any sense why they added this feature.

And then, I had one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had playing a game.

For the last two stages, I was joined by another player who was struggling a bit with the platforming sections. I could have abandoned them and raced ahead, but then I would be an asshole, so I stuck with them as we moved up the level. I found myself really enjoying helping and exploring this area with them, and they ended up helping me as well.
We moved on to the final stage together, which we both struggled with (we got eaten a few times those flying things). Then right before the final stretch, at the part were the wind blows you back - I got knocked off, and we lost connection.

It was like my good companion for the last hour had died. I was distraught. I continued on in their memory, limping up that snowy hill in despair.

That ending. I don't think it would've nearly impacted me as much if I hadn't interacted with that stranger. During the credit sequence, I saw another character on the bridge and I thought, "that's them", even though it couldn't possibly be. I wonder if they felt the same way I did, or if they just thought I was an idiot.

I could talk about the art design, the music, the atmosphere - but I feel like everyone knows how incredible they are already. I just wanted to share this beautiful and tragic encounter I had.

(I got a Backloggd account for fun and to make funky 1 line reviews - I wasn't planning on writing this much) - The game is pretty good, I guess.

OK, this definitely isn't a perfect game.
The gameplay is a little repetitive and rough. It's a bit grindy at points and the story awkwardly ends twice (due to it being an expanded version of a DS game).
But something about it so unbelievably charming. More than any other game, this one makes me feel the most like a kid again (not counting the games I actually played when I was a kid). The characters are so pure and the story is so simple. I honestly wasn't expecting to get emotional within the first 20 minutes of the game, but it somehow really got to me,
I think the world and the design of everything in it is great. Discovering every new area and game mechanic for the first time genuinely had me feeling like I was 10 years old and going on some grand adventure. The Ghibli cutscenes and the art design is beautiful. Joe Hisaishi's soundtrack is super underappreciated and needs more love as well.

I feel the soundtrack in the depths of my soul

This is the second emotional, critically-acclaimed indie game about climbing a mountain I've played in the past three days.
I suck hard at platformers so I found this extremely difficult, but it was more than worth it. I'll probably wait a while before I do the extra stuff.

absolute trash heap of a video game i aint getting near this thing within a 50 mile radius

Would rather drag my dick through a mile of glass and salt than play this shit

i think the puzzle with the coin roulette machine gun was a pivotal moment in shaping my childhood

One of the few pieces of media that actually made me cry my eyes out. Short, sweet, charming and emotional story.
Mechanically just point and click but that's not the point, this game only wants to tell an old man's story and it does it marvellously. One of the best narrative experiences I've ever had ever. Just play it.

I was surprised how much I liked this game. It is barely a game. It's mostly an interactive story. But what a story that is. It reminds me of inception. It was great fun and short. I'm glad I've played it and no one should skip this.

2/1/2014. PC. Played the new mini episode. It's fun seeing these characters again even if it's only for like 30 minutes or so. It's free, you should play it. Waiting for the next game from freebird games.