Fun little DLC, a bit short but its basically just one big dungeon so it doesn't feel like it overstays its welcome. Neat new little dudes as well, which at the end of the day is what monster catchers are all about


Surprise hit for me, may legit be my GOTY this year I had so much fun with this world and its characters. Really solid takes on the pokemon style of gameplay while having its own spins on it.


Hope this leads to a new F-Zero game, but honestly this one is pretty cool and feels very in the spirit of F-Zero


Is really cool conceptually and has a great gameplay loop that is held back by bad AI and bullets not always reacting the way they should. Still really fun but with some caveats


"this looks like a roblox ass game" - my friend in the VC


Really cool detective game, really enjoyed the loop! it had a really good tone and sense of unease going on with it as well. Definitely recommend checking this out


Takes what really worked in MHR and expands upon it, really solid expansion overall


Those goblins really could chop


I bought this game a week before that submarine exploded and I felt too awkward to play it until now


Really solid gameplay with an abysmal story.


Pretty fun little strategy roguelite, really good time overall imo


best street fighter has been since 3rd strike


The indifferent cruelty of the universe when the indominable human spirit walks in the room


Damn the lead up into Endwalker is insane. Took me awhile to get here since i grinded out a relic weapon because i thought it would be cool to go through EW with it (would not recommend, look at the time i finished the last patch that's been how long it took me to get that done) but overall the story is really moving in a direction I like and I'm excited to see where this ends


This game never fails to impress me; right when I think stuff is slowing down for a bit and maybe the story will with it they pull me right back in
