I heard that some of the critics I follow liked the first game better, but I left much more satisfied with this game. I enjoyed the story, the side quests and the little treasure collecting. Whenever I tried to make a to-do list, I got bored with the game. The storytelling was good, but I don't think I'd forgive someone if they chopped off my arm.

It was 2 years. By playing intermittently, I completed many tasks and collected treasures in the game. The main story took itself to a point, the side missions were good. The atmosphere really drew me in, but after every break it became more difficult to play because it has a disgusting combat system and stealth system. Evior's story is being completed with new content. Fuck this, I played it for 80 hours, what do you still want me to do, Ubisoft?

At the time this game came out, this kind of cinematic narratives attracted my attention more. In 2023, unless there's a gameplay loop that subjectively feels really good, it's a narrative that distracts me. After halfway through the game, it was a bit more challenging and that was nice. I followed the story with interest after the halfway point, but the game ends with a sequel and that's annoying. Graphics that look very nice even today, an engaging but incomplete script. Nice shooting feel and average enemy intelligence. I wish these things served the continuity of the game well. A series would have been a product I would have followed with much more enthusiasm.
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I enjoyed it at first, but then it started to get boring. I don't usually care about graphics, but strangely the mud-like visuals and level designs seemed very suffocating to me.

I don't say this to make fun of you. It was better than Spider-Man 2 for me.

I played for fifty hours and enjoyed it. I have one criticism, but it is this; Despite all the progress and the quality equipment I collected, I could not feel myself getting stronger.

The main story doesn't give me pleasure. The tempo of the missions and the fact that the narration was in the form of a tutorial took me out of the game, but it was enjoyable to do side missions with the updates and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Goodbye CP2077.

Don't get mad at me, but this DLC was more fun than Spider-Man 2.

There are improvements compared to the main game, but enough.

This game, I love it. I love so much.