A remaster that doesn’t quite hold up, yes there are lots of elements of this game that are great however this remaster is simply just a downgrade. Plenty of performance issues as I played and the open world feels sort of… empty. Not much to do other than the main missions. Main missions feel well paced and great up until the last 5 chapters imo. 2.5/5 for me (would’ve been 3/5 if it wasn’t for glitches)

A near perfect game! It’s definitely one of the better looking games I’ve played on the new generation and it is super fun to play. Some scenes in this feel straight out of a movie. My only complaint is that the collect-a-thon can be repetitive at times and there’s some sections of the story that can be predictable. Don’t be confused though, this game is a master class that shows just what the PS5 can do. 4.5/5 for me

The concept for this game is very cool. Being able to figure out a mystery based on pre recorded videos is a great concept and makes you feel like a detective. However, the dialogue can fall very flat leaving the big moments in the story almost FEEL like a video some friends made in a basement one night. The mystery told is honestly a great one, but gets completely ruined by bad dialogue and bad endings. 1.5/5

Don’t even know what to say for this one. Enjoyment wise this game was a 5/5 but I mean everything else, yeah…..

Managed to complete it in a few hours and be done with it. Appreciate the fun night but I hope the developers didn’t work tirelessly day and night on this.

Great shooter, not a great RPG. It’s hard to really write a review for this one cause I’ve played the game for 7 years of my life on and off. Overall it’s pretty good, there are a lot of flaws with the game like glitches/broken quests. With the Xbox version in particular the game would crash whenever I went to level up one of my perks, it was always a 50/50 chance. Anyways, the way I wrote this may seem like I hate it but I don’t. I just don’t have much else to say about it HAHAHAHA

I understand why people were upset with the initial ending but for me I found the ending twist really brought it all together. Atmosphere was interesting enough for the 4-5 hours played but wish it was more fleshed out. I enjoyed the characters for the most part and felt each one brought unique traits with them. 3.5/5 for me

Don’t sleep on this one. I genuinely enjoy linear games if the setting and story are in good order. If you don’t like linear sorts of games you won’t like this, however, plague tale is a game that outlines the beauty in a incredibly dark and interesting environment. I found each cutscene I was drawn to the story and I loved it. 4/5 for me

This game is one large political story told through multiple different “Playthroughs” that create an overarching story. The concept is very cool but I found it kind of boring having to replay a run from the very beginning multiple times in order to complete the game, felt there could’ve been a better way to go about that. Also some characters are just flat out annoying to the point where when I get stuck with them during a run I almost wanted to give up. Overall though, very cool concept for a game and I did like the overall story. 3/5 for me

My first 5/5, this game is a MASTER CLASS for co op gaming. This game brings so much variety that you never get bored. Gameplay is very smooth and there aren’t any awkward bits. The story is beautiful, if you are for some reason looking at reviews on backloggd and have not played the game yet…. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLAY IT

A childhood classic for me, multiplayer felt smooth. Was a nice throwback for me, replaying made me realize I do prefer mw2 and it’s story but you can see that this game truly changed everything for first person shooters. 4/5 for me

Decent cod, story is a little more disappointing this time around despite what’s going on in it. Multiplayer is good as ever, spec ops missions get a huge downgrade.

Forgot how good this game was, one of the best. CODs.


This game is great and a true classic! The only downsides I have is the graphics aren’t as greats nowadays and the story is a bit more basic than other games. Overall, fantastic skateboard game that got skateboarders through the Xbox 360/PS3 era.

Solid remake, this game is extremely impressive. One of the best linear story games ever I would argue.

I really couldn’t do it, idk if it’s just the port but this game hurt me physically and emotionally. The controls are very particular with the hit boxes being so difficult to find sometimes. The graphics look awful I can’t see what’s going on in front of me. Basically the forest but if it was a bad port. First unfinished game on here