Waited for the full release to play this and im glad I did, this game is brilliant

is this what people with adhd see when they take acid?

Loved the art, loved the music. It was cool seeing more about troll society. I wish it was a bit longer though

I will never understand the hate this game got, this and black and white 2 are easily my favorite Pokémon games

I dont get why this game gets associated with trans people

They mentioned Patapon and Tearaway

What a masterpiece

She is just like me frfr ( I am nothing like her )

I drew piccolo protecting annoying orange and it sold for a bunch of money, what a great game

......I need to become a Bartender

Logging this after my first playthrough, but I guarantee ill be playing more

Ruinscape if it was good

good, not as good as gorbino's quest

I beat the demo a few times and it looks really promising, cant wait for the full game!