59 Reviews liked by RianSampaio

my first video game ever :')

fuderam muita coisa mas melhoraram tbm, não é melhor que o 3 mas é um bom jogo


Lembro de não ter conseguido jogar no lançamento, só fui jogar anos depois. Queria que voltasse aquela era de ouro.

this game has some good ideas but with how heavy the jumps feel and how ass the level design can be at times make it hard to recommend. I was getting more mad than I was having fun. some levels that stand out are Sichte's level with the stupid rain make something like ice physics and The Golden Palace 1 with too many enamies but I had a lot of fun with Schwer-Muta's level and the music slaps and I do like how they add a whole new playable character with a code but I don't think they thought out levels with the new character in mind so it ends up being more of a hassle than a plus. Every time this game does something cool theres 5 other things it does poorly. I say if you really want to play an anime mega man clone get the legend of the dark witch on the 3DS that game lacks the great music but the hole package is better as for something on steam just get one of the mega man collections for fuck sakes

Eu não falo ideia de quantas horas da minha vida eu joguei esse jogo. Nostalgia pura.

simplesmente espetacular mas infelizmente ignorado pela fudida da capcom. merece muito um remaster com as dlcs incluidas

Society's opinion on music:
you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe (Amazing)

sonic heroes sonic heroes bind you confine you defying your reign (Stupid, emo, gay)

Wtf has this world come to.....