"What if we made an already vague game more vague"

Maybe the SNES version is better but oh my god fuck this game 60% of the time

i'll come back to this at the end of my marathon

It is 2011 I am 8 playing Pikmin in my room, it is 2013 I am 10 playing Pikmin in my room, it is 2023 I am 20 playing Pikmin in my room. This is such a weird game, going into this blind if you told me about all the changes I probably would've never played this out of a form of spite given how it kinda spits in the original formula of the series. The only things I heard pre-release were how easy this game was and while it is the easiest Pikmin game which did lead to me overthinking how easy this game actually was, there were times where I went against my own ideals using the rewind feature over certain cave floors, bosses, and the final boss (no spoilers) to which I had a freak accident happen near the end. In the end I actually had no problem with the rewind feature, it's basically just a faster method of resetting which is something people have done since Pikmin 1. I think most of the issues I had with this game can actually be summarized has "in the end I had no problem" with it whether it be Oatchi (I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU OVERPOWERED PIECE OF SHIT <3), the ability to move base, and even to an extent the Flarlics. However it doesn't account for everything with the biggest thing being the 3 pikmin limit which just leaves so many types basically useless and in general limiting you to the recommended types in which the areas hazards are designed around along side the fact that Oatchi invalidated using some types of pikmin, it's the same complaints that people have probably been saying about this game in its release 2 months ago but I'm just sad that I couldn't use purple pikmin more :(. A big (sorta) new thing that I'm rather indifferent to is the dandori missions, I enjoy the challenge and timed collectathon ones but am more indifferent to the dandori battles which left me just completing them first thing first just to get them out of the way, their not exactly not fun but just not my thing at all. Besides the often hefty dialogue that feels like it has more text then the previous 3 games combined I really enjoyed this game's story not really caring about the retcons too much besides the deemphasized focus on the post apocalyptic laying the games had going on the background, the new areas were fun, the caves were fun, the enemies and bosses were fun, and so was the gameplay, while I dislike some decision and grew on others I do understand the need to evolve the Pikmin formula that this game did. I love this series so much and while Pikmin 2 will forever hold a special place in my heart I very much loved and enjoyed this game as much as I would've when I was young.

Thought this was gonna be a whatever platformer that I would start and just drop an hour in but it a lot more than that. It's Fun, balanced in its difficulty, creative, and doesnt overstay its welcome. Kinda just ticks every checkbox for this type of game and passes with a B+, worth playing at least once overall

I think people misuse the term edgy a lot, I mean compared to this last game this can be considered edgy but is this game edgy? The answer is No, this game beyond the dystopian theme and the first cutscene which are the closest things to being edgy is not edgy at all, it's very run of the mill actually. This game does take itself more seriously then the first game but the charm and silliness of the characters is still is still there. Leading into the characters is a good thing because oh my god are they much of an improvement over the first game, to start we are given less one off characters and the like of those whom we get one power cell from and never see again. You see more characters with development and that also goes into some of the returning characters with the big one being both Jak and Daxter who both got some reworks that I prefer for the better. Jak can talk now which is something I don't really mind and actually liked a lot more then I thought I would've (the first cutscene doesn't give the best first impression) and Daxter being more organically funny and more of a character rather then the marketable kinda annoying one liner sidekick. On the front of story and characters this game is a lot better but unfortunately the focus groups came in and what do kids love more then colorful platformers? Guns apparently, also open worlds, also skateboarding apparently. The gameplay while at its core not being too different from Jak I takes a different spin then what was done in the first game. No more are the days of Treetops, Power Cells, and Good checkpoints now we have guns. Combat is now gun focused with melee still existing but given the higher level of enemies and the amount of ammo crates it's intended to be your primary source of combat, I don't really have any complaints on this besides just the how weird it is to aim on controller but the auto aim is generous which makes up for it. The combat is fine but my major gripes with this game come from exploration and the world, while I have no problem with the way missions are structured due to my enjoyment of GTA 5 the world here is so bland and boring that going across the same city for about 50 times doesnt get any better which is even more expanded on the fact that the city is basically dead besides the missions, NPCs roam the streets but everything just feels so dead that this game having its open world structure just feels weird and off putting with it just being there for the sake of crossing out the GTA III checklist. While I enjoyed the missions to an extent it really is the way the way the world is that makes me not like it as much as the first game and that's not even speaking on the difficulty which caught me off guard but grew to even with how frustrating it got. I enjoyed this game for what it was and did have fun while playing but if given the choice I would rather play the first game then this right away. I need at least a 10 year break minimum for this one

If you compare this to Danganronpa I'm fucking stealing something from your house

One of the best aura's I've ever seen radiate from a video game. Pure 80s hedonism, may the radio star rest in peace

Like GTA 3 only without the groundbreaking seal that leaves that game close to untouchable. A prequel to GTA 3 story wise and seemingly game design wise too

VR continues to be Steel Wools one consistant avenue, extremely creative and a vr defining title

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Was hovering around a 7 until I read the key of love and started to put more and more of the pieces together. I am now broken

Good Story and World here unfortunately combined with unfortunate repetitive mission design and a friendship system for character development that runs into the same problems similar to the Persona series. Regardless the world in itself is great where I often found myself just walking and taking public transport mission to mission rather than driving. In general San Andreas honestly gives this game a run for its money but that doesn't mean it's bad, love the dedication to realism this world had that the others didn't. It's pretty great regardless tbh

Good small collection of missions with some enjoyable side content. Made me realize how rarely bikers as a concept are done (well) in video games.