third game should be called Portal 3: Ratmans Search History

ladies and gentlemen SPRINTING IS BACK ON THE MENU

i always thought ODST meant Original Digital Soundtrack up until like a year ago

Halo: It Takes Two Edition with fan favorite returning characters like Master Chief and UNSC Marine

driving car through doorway simulator 3000

They don’t call em big daddys for nothin

I wish I could use the money in the game to get a refund for what I paid for because this shit is ass!!!

Hat department? I’d like a new hat please! this one’s evil!

YouTube Kids thumbnail video game

i don't consider this apart of the garden warfare franchise and neither should you, i cant even make a funny joke about this game because EA already made one for you when you open the game and have to stare at the title screen

Dr Zomboss invented a gun and Crazy Dave needed to lock in

someone needs to show Crazy Dave a gun