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7 days ago

RickGrimes405 reviewed Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Rift Apart at times feels like it was purely developed to showcase the power and tech of the PS5.The loading times being non-existent,the graphical showcase of a game they can develop,the full usage that the DualScense is capable of.I mean we already had Astro's Playroom to showcase all the new stuff and we got that for free and there's times where I would rather play that instead.Don't get me wrong Rift Apart is a great game but I felt that more could have been done.Everyone says that Insomniac are superhuman and are carrying the PS5 with their games and there's points and arguments where I'll agree & disagree.Anyways,If you're a fan of the Ratchet and Clank games then surely you'll like this one,I am a bit disappointed that Ratchet and Clank are separated for a majority of the game so you're stuck with Clank bonding with the new female lombax character Rivet for a good while.She's cool,sassy,snarky and heroic,she's a good character and all but I would have preferred Clank be with his best trusty buddy Ratchet but they reunite before the end.Instead Ratchet is aided by a new robot character nicknamed Kit who feels undeserving of any friendship due to her previous past alliances with the villain of the game.There's some deep emotional backstories for these new characters,I like em but the story and nature of the Ratchet and Clank games have always been very comical and witty that this is new ground and I can't help but feel like the new wave of narrative heavy Playstation games had something to do with it.Rift Apart features all sorts of planets that are filled with exploration and unique optional side missions,these planets are huge.You gotta search every nook and cranny to find those collectibles such as the Gold Bolts and Raretanium to upgrade those weapons.Speaking of weapons you get quite a bunch in this game,some of them aren't my favorite to use obviously,you don't HAVE to use them nobody is forcing you to and it's not like the enemies are weak to any particular weapon,just go guns-a-blazin on those suckers.I kinda wish Ratchet and Rivet got their own unique weapon wheel,the two characters aren't that different gameplay wise which is a bit of a shame.You also get these cool little side minigames like Pocket Dimensions where you work on your platforming skills and Clank puzzles that tinker your brain,just stuff that'll give you a break from all the shootin.There's also this dumb spider minigame where you're controlling a spider-like bot and shooting stuff but luckily you can skip all that.Rift Apart is fun but could have used more work in feeling like the old school Ratchet and Clank games,I'm legit disappointed that Captain Qwark got a new voice actor,not only that but he barely had any screentime here.But hey seriously we need more fun colorful games like this and not just a bunch of 3rd person over the shoulder narrative driven games with realistic graphics,bring back Sly,Jak & Daxter and Spyro.Give us more fun platformers please Sony

7 days ago

RickGrimes405 reviewed Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

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There's not too many reasons to go back to 3D Land when World exists,this is like 3D Land Directors Cut/Definitive Edition.You got more playable characters(Luigi,Peach,Toad and even Rosalina once you beat the gane and unlock even more worlds,each with their own unique moves and play style)You get much more level/enemy variety and actual boss fights.I don't like thinking of this game as part of the mainline 3D Mario games where he's collecting stars in sandbox like worlds,3D Land and World are it's own thing and I compare them more to the 2D platformer Mario games,mostly due to Mario ending the obstacle course like levels with jumping on the flag amongst other little things.The new main power up for Mario & friends is the super bell that let's the gang become cats and they're able to climb up walls and scratch attack their enemies.Again it's another new signiture power up debuting in a new Mario game that'll soon be forgotten as time goes on and be replaced by other new power ups,who knows maybe it'll return in 30 years.I really like the level design but I really wished the game's marketing didn't solely appeal to making this a must have multi-player experience,it's just as fun as playing by yourself but I truly think this is the New Super Mario Bros Wii Mario game equivalent for the Wii U,where yes you can play both games in single-player but you just know you'll have an absolute crazy time if you grab friends & family to join you.Most of the enemies can be defeated by a single jump and the same thing goes for most of the boss fights or by using some of power ups,enemy variety in the end doesn't matter in the end when they can be defeated in the same common manner.But hey at least there's bosses in this one,You actually get to fight Bowser in this one instead of just running past him like the classic Mario Bros game.None the less not to shit on 3D Land,this is just overall a huge upgrade.3D Land walked so 3D World can run.The game would be re-released again on Switch with a side content mode,Bowser's Fury.Don't have too much to say on the mode other then being similar to both 3D World and Odyssey but I wished the devs just put more time into their next actual brand new 3D Mario game.

7 days ago

RickGrimes405 reviewed Luigi's Mansion
The mario bros meet Resident Evil?Idk I've always felt a connection between those games whenever I played a Luigi's Mansion game.Luigi steps out of the shadows of his brother and finally get's his own video game starring himself,a lunatic professor and a gallery of all sorts of wild groping ghosts.I always have a fun time with this,first time players will spend a bit trying to navigate the mansion,exploring each and every room for treasure and identifying each boss ghost's unique weakness and finding which key is which.It's a labyrinth of horrified proportions.I find Luigi's Mansion to be extremely replayable since it's a pretty short game,speed runs are also up for debate if you're into that sort of thing.Luigi's got all sorts of gadgets at his disposal to protect him from an infamous rouge gallery,he's got a good ol trusty Gameboy he uses as a map,a flashlight to see what evil lurks in the dark,a vacuume cleaner to suck up all the money and ghosts he comes across as well as elemental hazards he'll find that'll help him in his ghostly adventure.There's all sorts of memorable decor surrounding the mansion,Luigi is able to interact with most things around him and it's very fun to see his reactions to the new environment he's been put in.He's also got quite a couple of troublesome boss ghosts that will stop Luigi in his tracks,there's also quite the plethora of normal ghosts you'll be coming across that are more common enemies that'll be quite the jumpscare for those easily startled.Luigi's Mansion is a very fun and spooky time and truly made Luigi shine as his own character and give him his own franchise.

10 days ago

RickGrimes405 reviewed Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
It's still a surreal feeling that Nintendo listened to it's fans and rememberd that a gem like Thousand Year Door existed and decided to remake it from the ground up so the new generation can experience why so many fans are disappointed by the state of the franchise.For me the Paper Mario games were never really about the battles and turn based combat rather they were about the darker and serious narratives as opposed to lighthearted silly princess kidnappings in the mainline series.As well as the bold originality and creativeness that went with their character design and world building.The comedic writing was also a bonus,immediately you fall in love it all.The first three Paper Mario games accomplished this,the other games just didn't interest me at all.Anyways Thousand Year Door still holds up to me,the things they added I have more positive to say than negative.The graphics received a huge overall,everything looks real shiny and modernized.They added new unique character expressions for all the NPC's,even added in some sound effects for the characters whenever they speak with the text bubbles.Adding more of a reason to talk to all these characters you have spoken to before in the original.I'm not a big fan of all the remixed/remastered soundtracks so sometimes I find myself using a new badge they added to change back to the originals music.The partner's also have a unique theme that goes alongside them whenever it's their time to shine that wasn't present in the original.They added some cool post-game boss fights and a new warp pipe room to fast travel making doing trouble side quests and overall revisiting past areas a breeze.I think the 30 FPS came as a shock to everyone,the original was 60 FPS and it's just weird that the switch isn't powerful enough to do this for all their games.What makes the game a bit more sluggish is the speech bubbles being unable to be sped-up or skipped,it's a bit of a drag especially for returning veterans who know the game a bit too well and don't care for certain scenes.The backtracking is still the sole negative I have for this game,they fixed it up a bit and made it less tedious especially in Chapter 4 however it still remains a common issue in other chapters.The whole back and forth is just something that could have been easily removed/changed during the rebuilding of this 20 year old gem.At least it's being faithful down to the core I suppose,if I'm being brutally honest however I do think the OG 64 Paper mario deserved the remake much more but I'm happy a majority of people don't have to pay hundreds of dollars to experience a game that's tough to be able to find and play nowadays.

10 days ago

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