mf i did not expect one of the most beautiful games i've ever played to be a plane simulator

this is one of the only games where the endings barely made me feeling anything aside from "wow that was really good" and then had me crying while fighting fucking buzz lightyear and his tiny black imp

peak FF, that's all i can really say

amazing game i really liked it but damn this would've been an absolute masterpiece if the rushed development didn't fuck it so hard

still an incredible story though like holy shit

this game would be a fat 6 if not the for the ending LMAOOOO


gigantic fucking boobaroonies and musou gameplay. what's not to like?

ch1-3 were great but everything after that is really shaky idk i couldn't fw it that much

this was supposed to just be a pokemon game dawg what the fuck why did it make me cry fuck you man

i am in the minority here tbh i don't think it's one of the best games in the series like most people do but yeah this was still really good

game is fun but a lot of the bosses kinda suck

thought i didn't like this game as much as other people did and then i remember the time i gushed about it to a friend for like 3 hours