Pretty fun game! Though I do not know if the community is nice or not because I played a bit with friends however from what I played I picked up on strategy and good plays quickly than what I thought. I always suck at new games at first which surprised me.

Fun if you have friends but not something you go back to constantly. Just a silly and funny game from 2009. I wish the UI was more simple and easier to look.

Ranking every game would take a while so I am ranking this just as a collection.

This is a pretty decent collection but playing this again made me realize how unprecise the emulation is at times and the UI is pretty questionable. As for the games I learned that the Genesis had its highest peak and lowest dephs. Some games I absolutely loved while others are just Ecco the Dolphin. And while this collection is pretty awesome keep in mind that this won’t have games on the newer Mega Drive collection on Steam and other modern systems like Kid Chameleon and Bonaza Bros for example could only be played on this version while ToeJam and Earl are on the newer one which shocked me because I thought for the longest time I played ToeJam on this version though I guess I misremembered. Regardless though this is an alright collection of games but unless you are looking to get this game Platinum you might as well get the newer one or just use a better emulator to play these.

When I started playing a month ago I didn’t know what to think of Sonic DX, when it finally came time to go from 2D Sonic to 3D Sonic made me pretty nervous during my Sonic binge playthrough of how I felt but after playing through it with all its jank I grew to absolutely love and appreciate this game for what it is. It has it's flaws but I hadn’t had so much fun playing through a game to completion and I can see why people would put this game in high regard. I played with Mod Loader so the experience with the PC version in its base form I didn’t get to play through but from what I heard from a friend, it is unplayable. Regardless, this game is a pretty good first attempt at making Sonic 3D and the characters are some of my faves! Gameplay though characters play differently and I didn’t like some of them which is a shame cause I think there is a lot of charm put into Big and Amy but the real highlight is E-102 Gamma which was personally possibly my favorite story from Adventure. Once you conplete the game’s story you can go ahead and collect everything which all I have to say is good luck because it was an experience (majorly taken up by Mission 53).
So in conclusion, I recommend this game but please mod it first before jumping in so you don’t hamper your experience.

And now, I am taking a break from Sonic before jumping into Adventure 2.

I have never been so disappointed with a game such as this one. I said to myself "Surely, if I really liked Transformed I would certainly love Sumo Digital's Team Sonic Racing"!

This game was such a let down. All of the tech from the last game was oversimplified in this game, the game has no sense of going fast at all, the items are generic and also seem to not help you at all, and the menu UI is so dumb and if I want to do anything other than online, customization, or tinkering with options I have to play through the story. By the way, the story mode is neat and all but I don’t play kart racing games for the story. Also beware if you play on PC that the FPS is going to be borderline unplayable unless you mess around with your graphics setting on your computer and also in the game settings options. I also especially do not like the new courses. The old updated courses are okay but nothing spectacular as they alter the map slightly. The new courses in this game however are not maps I really liked driving on as they are either to dark or hard tell what is or isn’t drivable. Despite the negatives, the postives I can say I liked was the new characters are cool! I especially like Blaze, Rouge, and also Chaos are playable racers and also that the customization is neat. Regardless though I think the game is awesome with friends but besides that this game was a massive let down and wholeheartedly for you to check out Transformed instead as it not only has more content but also is more refined gameplay wise.

And my final note is that I hope that the next SEGA kart racer has bikes again. I will miss Shadow and Ryo on a bike from the og All-Stars Racing.

This game up there with S3&K as one of the best in the franchise. Everything including the most minutiae details were forged together so meticulously together out of love for this franchise. This is a game made out of so much admiration and awe by fans of Sonic and its for all no matter if you are a noob or a veteran. This game is a celebration and with my whole heart I will recommend this amazing game.

Honestly better than what I remembered but my previous review still is mostly the same but oh my goodness the special stages were awful. While it is challenging to get all the Chaos Emeralds I had so much fun playing Sonic 2 the second time around.

From what I played, there is a lot of man catchers in this game. I will play it again when I can sometime. When that happens I will update lol.

You had to be there when this game was still online. It was a experience that I will never get to experience again. Well, I might not be able to play but I think videos exist of gameplay out there.

This was an unfortunate disappointment for my brother and I back in the day. The game is okay but compared to the last two games it was a let down. Regardless though it is a fine experience and I think if this was your first Little Big Planet game I think I would not judge you for it. I did like the new characters and the addition of more layers to level creation but I remembered not liking an aspect of the story. I will try and remember it since its been a while. Regardless though, I will miss this series. ;(

At the beginning I did not know how to think or feel about Sonic CD other than from the moment I got to play through Palmtree Panic Zone Act 1 I would love the music. I had no clue how time traveling worked and I was really frustrated because to me it wasn’t big, slow, and a bunch of weird design choice and the levels were extremely questionable considering I decided to play Sonic CD after 3 so going back to Sonic 1-esque levels were dreadful. But here I am now, and I think I began to love and appreciate the game the more I played Sonic CD. If you come at it with a different approach and learn the mechanics of it all it is actually really fun and especially learning the tricks to lower you time in Time Attack. Please give it your attention and if you have and didn’t like it I suggest go at it again differently. In conclusion, Sonic CD is an amazing game if you give it a chance! :D

Though I do admit that I wish there was something there that makes getting good future levels worthwhile other than a slightly different ending. I guess the music is pretty worthwhile! ^^

I was not expecting the ending to be what it was before my journey started a few two months ago neither was I expecting my heart to ache by the end either. I think I know why Toby Fox loves this game so much now with the game's charming characters and beautiful world. I highly recommend giving Moon a try because it was a fascinating emotional worthwhile experience I had the pleasure of playing through. If you decide to I suggest playing through the entirety of the game in the dark unless you absolutely have to search up a guide for a particular section. Otherwise, have fun and get immersed in this lovely world of moon.

Peak kart racer! I wish I could go back in time and redeem my Metal Sonic code though that I missed out on now that the Eshop is dead. :(

I think I get the hype now that I completed Sonic 3. I love a lot of things about Sonic 3! The levels, the music, the presentation, and how it feels like a complete experience. Sure some parts are hard sure but they are fair and you can play through a level again because now we have save files so that is an awesome improvement because well I don’t have to play the whole game again lol. I think one criticism I have with Sonic 3 is the chaos emeralds are still hard to get but hey who doesn’t like a good challenge? This was an absolute blast to play through though I have played it on my Gamecube next time however I will probably play AIR or Complete in the future if I wish to replay Sonic 3. What an amazing game!