They really had to title drop the game huh?

I fought my boss and the entire world almost ended again… worst workday of my life!

This game gaslighted me on my knowledge of the Statue of Liberty

outside of the notorious health concerns. It reeks of first game with it being very a lot of unbalanced minigames, SOME weird boards, and janky controls. Not all of the boards are bad. Yoshi’s and Peach’s got refined later on but the base still remains here with them still at least being decent. This is the game you’d NEED to play with friends, because outside of needing every Star and coin from non-CPU, everything else will mess you up. Its not a terrible game, but its the one that has aged the worse.

I've never really been on Kirby, as this is the 3rd entry I have played. I don't think this game is bad by any means, it has interesting ideas with some designs it brings in, such as some companions helping you out, cute cutscenes, and some levels letting you toy around with the abilities, and the penultimate boss testing you on your knowledge, along with mixing abilities which can be really helpful, but other aspects of its level designs, speed, shard collecting, and abilities themselves is also a hinderance. Long story short, I didn't really enjoy this game that much, but I also feel like I did not waste my time with it, it's a weird spot which can be generalized to "it's not my cup of tea".

Replayed this game on a whim and it is still fun and an improvement to the first game. Though the special stages are pretty painful, the last chunk of the game gets annoying at times, and Sonic turns super whenever I don’t want him to, but It’s still overall pretty good with the added and improved gameplay elements that became iconic in the series.

MUCH better than MP1, minigames are better and much more balance, However it still has it fair share of issues in those department (crane game in particular) and boo taking coins is more of RNG then actually pressing the button. Western, Space, and Horror Land got introduced here which is GREAT. other boards are nothing to write home about or just “Why?”. The controls much tighter. Otherwise Its a good, perhaps great game, but I don’t see the appeal everyone gives it, I didn’t grew up on this game so perhaps i just don’t see it the same way everyone does.

It kickstarted the Mario Party games we have nowadays, but the more I play this one, the less I start to like it.

I can’t use my thinking muscles on what to say about this game, almost everything hits right, I love the cast, I love the story, theme, message, I love the game design, I love so many things about this game. What a phenomenal experience.

There is absolutely no reason for you to come back to this one, most of the tracks have been remade and are far smoother to play. The physics, rubberband ai, and recovery frames in this game hold it back so much. Though I do think it is impressive on how hard and much they sacrificed just for 4-player co-op.


That Scott guy from Ohio just doesn’t get it

The fact that Marth says “You are the Fire Emblem” and then Alear Fire Emblem’d all over the Fell Dragon is an actual thing that occurs gives me a huge love/hate relationship in this game.

During my playthrough of this game, I was telling my girlfriend a lot of the things about this one, and she had the audacity to make a lot of Gintama references

Not that I’m complaining of course

Mario Kart 64 but if it was GOOD

As a remastered version of a PSP game, it deserved so much better. Though I am aware of upcoming patches too fix the audio issues, it still should’ve had the option to let you pick which skill to inherit and better enhanced backgrounds without the use of AI.

As another version of Persona 3, while I do enjoy the streamlined gameplay and the addition to a female playable character a lot (especially her S.Links), I also see why people prefer FES. I don’t really mind the VN style as I feel it makes it more unique, however it’s not used properly that you end up losing the immersion.

But as a game on it’s own, while I do feel like P3 as a whole has very controversial issues (the grooming and transphobia), Tartarus, and the condition mechanic. I still really enjoyed this game, I’ll even go as far to say I loved it.

Idk maybe the message of trying to find a reason to live within your friends and loved one hits me on a personal level. The fact that we will all die someday, it hurts losing what we love and we fear it, even if it’s ourselves, but we should celebrate the lives we were gifted instead of crying for our loss and keep going, heck even Aigis’s speech at the end. it ended up making me reevaluate a lot about my life. this game made me cry on occasions, but I finished “The Journey” with the dumbest smile on my face. I think this should tell you how much i ended up loving the game and how I’m willing to look past a lot of it’s issues, not all, but a lot. I just adore this game.