it oozes with a lot of charisma, and I liked a lot of new additions, however it still feels rushed, especially towards the end of the game


This game is visually beautiful as possible however the gameplay side is rather lacking a few hours in

for 30 dollars, you get to experience parental issues and the greatest final boss fight of all time

Marluxia is hot, he can step on me

damn those emo kids can run!!!

I have not played Chrono Trigger, but I have played this

I never grew up on this series, so I don’t see this specific game through a different eye than everyone else. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, quite the contrary in fact, I might even say it is “magical” with some strong feats, however I absolutely do not want to revisit this game at all. I just prefer a lot of other things in comparison.

unfiltered kino, this game absolutely rules

You visit france twice, I already feel violated

This quickly became one of my favorite games ever, you can count the veins on Master Xehanort's head

The feminism leaving my body as I hear Date speak