Ada & Leon's campaings while a bit subpar are decent, although Leon's kinda felt like I was playing L4D, Chris's is so-so, Jake's is pretty boring

One of the most beautiful visual novels I've ever read, you could be the coldest most dead inside mf around and this thing would still drive you to tears
Beato just like me fr minus the boobs

I don't know honestly... I liked the game itself but the story is just so utterly, completely hopeless... Like we don't have to consider just the game here, what about the message? What are you telling your players with that ending exactly?

I played it on an emulator so I had little to no performance issues, and honestly, I had as much fun as little kid me had with Diamond and the like all those years ago. The endgame area in particular is utterly phenomenal.

Just a pretty solid RPG all around, perhaps a bit tedious toward the end, but really, specially after COVID it feels like you're playing a recreation of the real world in a couple years. JC Denton is everything I aspire to be. blows up most advanced machinery in the planet "I was not properly trained in its operation."
Also, as fun trivia, this game's director made Epic Mickey a couple years later, highly recommend checking it out too!

An excellent remake in all regards honestly, the story now makes A LOT more sense with some very nice additions. Core gameplay is still same ol' chopping off limbs, and the weapons feel just as punchy as they did in the original. Isaac talking now is also pretty nice, since it's in a "Talk only when you need to" way, instead of today's typical 500 quips a minute. The new side missions and areas are quite neat as well. If I had to have one complaint, it would be Isaac's new face, it's horrible and doesn't suit him at all, but it's not like you're gonna be seeing it a lot (or ever, if you wear that zombie suit)

This game is just so... respectful to the player, in the sense that the most handholding it does is giving you new room locations if you take way too long. Otherwise, all you have is a couple map stations, some scans and your brain to figure things out. (Yes, like most metroidvanias, but this was the first 3D one to do that successfully, so there's that.) Getting lost in new beautiful places while getting the hang of the story bit by bit is just a wonderful experience overall, and the final boss actually feels challenging even if you have a high % of equipment. The remaster adds a lot of new control options and makes an already beautiful game even better, so it's pretty much the definitive experience you're gonna get. tl;dr go to place get item go to new accesible place repeat until win is the best game loop ever

The city itself is absolutely incredible to walk/drive through, you just don't get tired of it. The gigs get somewhat repetitive, although the side quests make up for it. The main story has its ups and downs, but it's decent overall. I'm REALLY sad a male V can't do River or (generally) Takemura, just tragic.

me when I don't leave the house
seriously though, this game felt so personal with how well it explains the experience of someone with a severe mental illness, it was quite the learning experience and some of the endings hit a bit too close to home ngl

Holy shit I think this is the most scared I've ever been in a game and it's just a box with some dials goddamn

While I honestly preferred the original's campiness (really, no Salazar or Saddler calls? So sad...) and some of the boss fights were a lil bit disappointing (Krauser's for example feels super watered down imo), it's still an excellent remake overall, the combat with parrying feels really satisfying and the edits to the story are pretty good as well

Studio makes a bartending simulator with a cast full of hot women and gays, hits perfect formula
Really though, Jill is one of the most relatable protagonists I've ever played as, and I love how the cast starts seemingly generic but then starts getting a lot of interesting development bit by bit. Some of the dialogues get pretty interesting (off the top of my head all the talk about solipsism, or about Jill's love life) 10/10 would get dogs drunk again

KInd of a lot of lost potential here, honestly. Sally's general character is super interesting, and the same goes for the rest of the cast, but they feel somewhat underdeveloped; there's quite the lack of characterisation, even with optional events. The story is so-so, while it does have its interesting moments, and the gameplay is also pretty hit or miss (and god forbid you're a completionist, some of the achievements are absurd).

Still, the music is absolutely impeccable, and the game stil has enough charm that it makes you want to finish it, so there's that.

+ Beautiful story
+ Incredible mechanics
+ Super engaging side quests
+ AMAZING endgame
- The depths feel a bit barebones, somewhat repetitive
- Shrines and dungeons feel dumbed down compared to earlier ones (I still enjoyed lighting and spirit though)
- Two oddities with the story, it sorta retcons BOTW and doesn't feel like it follows it at times, and the presentation with the memories is SUPER bad, seeing them out of order is very much not recommended. Also, kinda wish Ganon wasn't so simple in motivation
Overall, while it has some sections with lost potential, it feels like an incredible celebration of all Zeldas before it. Absolutely worth it.