It’s really fun to play with friends experienced in TTRPGs, however in the base game, the final dungeon is such a sharp difficulty spike that it’s shocking. Still solid though.

I thought the game wouldn’t hold up this long later.
No, it very much holds up.
Heroes are a blast, playing as a foot soldier is still fun, graphics may suffer a tad but that’s fine considering it being an original Xbox title.

I assumed this would be a pretty bad game especially coming off of Avengers but I was met with a very enjoyable superhero narrative and while you do play as the least interesting hero in the team, managing your squad is a lot of fun, and StarLord gets more and more interesting with time.

At least it isn’t Fallout 3.
Mods save the game.

It’s not as good as Yakuza 0, but that’s also like comparing peak to peak. It comes down to preference. It is in fact, peak.

Blizzard gets a lot of hate, a ton. Honestly I don’t even know if it’s even all real or fair.
But I don’t care, they deserve more.

Exclusively a multiplayer review, halo infinite’s free to play offerings by season 5 are honestly astounding. The shop is overpriced, but otherwise, it’s incredible. A live service game with a fair amount of rotating free cosmetics within their battle pass systems, passes that last forever and pay for themselves, all that. Add on the gunplay feeling amazing, and 343’s original maps mostly being made well and you’d have a hit. But forge creates a self sustaining game, the community remakes maps, as does 343, these get added to main playlists. I can relive some of the most fun maps from earlier halo games in the excellent Halo Infinite sandbox, and it’s all free. Forge is an awesome tool, multiplayer rocks. Pick it up, try it again, I’m serious, you won’t regret it.

I do not have the time, mental power or care to properly review this game. If you are marathoning the series, skip it. Redeeming qualities are that competitive players liked the multiplayer and the forge was cool.
Since Infinite does everything better as a game, there’s no reason to touch this ever again. Go play Infinite’s multiplayer, I’m serious, it’s like a gourmet meal in comparison.

343’s first try at Halo was whelming. Prometheans are not a fun enemy type. If you thought other games had sandbox redundancies you will not believe what you find in Halo 4, five precision weapons, 4 of which all being essentially equal in power. A narrative that is… okay. Certainly tries to tell a story but how well it connects with you is on a case by case basis. The multiplayer is alright, map design there is pretty alright.
Not a bad first try, but certainly lacks the charm of the original five bungie titles.

Me and my roommate compete relentlessly to see who is better.
Once this has its hooks in you, it will not let go.

God I love this game. I’m a sucker for atmosphere and this sets a beautiful one. I can’t say much on it as so much is tainted by bias.

In most ways an absolute downgrade from the first game. While getting more cinematic it drops the tightly designed sandbox for a messier dual wielding system that drops so many weapons’ nuances, and making far more linear levels that restrict the previously very wide and open level design. All that said it has a great narrative and the Arbiter takes the spotlight as the game’s true main character over the Master Chief, which is a feat considering who is shown on the box, and Arbiter in all cases is a far more compelling and interesting character. The multiplayer kinda sucks though, okay the anniversary version for a more balanced version imo.

By many modern standards the campaign looping in the back half can be annoying, and certain levels overstay their welcome, Halo CE’s expertly curated sandbox of weapons at least makes those sections bearable, and the good sections amazing, in which the good sections take up a good chunk of the first half of the game. Multiplayer is unbalanced and likely best played with friends.

The writing is bad, there’s no way around that. However beyond that you have one of the strongest endings to a trilogy I’ve ever played, each level is better than the last, the co-op is a ton of fun being able to play as the protagonists from the previous games at the same time with a friend. The third last mission “The Covenant” may be the best in the franchise, and it overall feels like the perfect way to have ended the halo trilogy. Oh the multiplayer is pretty fun too.