Decent Metroidvania, It can be described as "Symphony of Night in bite size". Good for someone who has itch of Metroidvania but doesn't want to invest so much time.
FYI: If you are using high refresh rate monitor, decrease refresh rate to 60Hz. Game becomes sluggish on high refresh rate for some reason.


Really well made and fine tuned game.
It is difficult but not unreasonable.


Unique visual, good soundtrack and likable characters.
Story wasn't so bad but It could be better.
It seems the developers had run out of their time for the final polish.
Overall, it was a nice RPG experience for me.
Looking forward to next game from them.


I picked this game because I wanted to play easy and cheesy Japanese game and this is exactly what I expected.
Combats are easy and fun. System isn't so complicated. Story and characters are average. Soundtracks are good.
Overall, good AA game for those who like anime JRPG related things.


A good mixture of Rhythm game and puzzle game. Music , graphic and story telling makes this game very atmospheric.
In the other hand, VR adaptation is disappointing. I was originally planning to play this game on my Quest 2 but rhythm game part is very stressful with VR controller. For whatever game design decision, you have to tilt down the controller to hit notes instead of moving up and down. This way, I felt too uncomfortable and I had to give up playing on VR.


Played with my 6yo kid and we had great time.
Local co-op up to 4 players, full controller support, casual difficulty mode, no blood and gore option. You can reset or undo your skill point anytime without any cost. If you are looking for an ARPG to play with your kids I strongly recommend this game. (Also recommend Cat Quest 2 but this game is much deeper)
In addition, this game supports ultra wide resolution (3440x1440) natively and it looks fantastic.

ローカルCO-OP(4人まで)可、コントローラー可、カジュアル難易度あり、ゴア表現オフあり、と子供と遊ぶためのオプションは一通り揃っています。あと、いつでもスキルの振り直しが可能なので、まずは適当に思うままプレイさせて、ゲームが良く分かってきたらビルドのアドバイスなどをすると良い感じです。子供とハクスラやりたい方には超お勧めです。(Cat Quest 2もお勧めですが、こっちの方が複雑で奥が深いです)

This is a "playable art" rather than game.


Played with my kid. We enjoyed first game and this one as well. This second one is more controller friendly. Especially "one button spell casting" gives player to easy access to some of complicated combination of ancient magic and my kid loved to try different magics.


Played with my kid. This game is very simple and bit repetitive but has good pace for progression. My kid really loved to try different weapons and badges. Recommend for people who want some casual co-op play.

I picked this game for Christmas and new year holiday game. I was excited about good reputation about this game. However it turned out a bit of disappointment.
It's not a bad game, definitely above the average.
But the problem is, as a fan of this series, I can't really feel "Tales of" feeling from this title even though there is no big change in game system.


It is just a generic gacha game with a little bit of SaGa flavor.


I am a P of Kotoka and Aiko.


Played with my son and we had a good time.
Took about 6 hours to beat the final boss in normal mode.
Graphics and animations are really beautiful.
Platforming gets bit difficult in later stages. Combat and puzzle solving are decent.


Played with my son and we had great time.
Graphic is cute and music is nice.
Took about 12 hours to complete the game and unlock all achievements.


Played with my kid. We had really fun time.