Honestly was surprised with this one. The story was pretty good, but the combat was just ok. 2 of the 4 styles are not worth it at all, which is a shame. At least the other 2 are still fun to use. If the bonus content and combat were a bit better then I'd rate this higher.
Final score: 7/10

So stylish with so much love and effort put into it. The last two zones fall off hard, but it is still overall pretty good. Funny how one of the few great Sonic games is practically an official fan game.
Final score: 9/10

Combat is slightly better, with stealth and traversal getting some much needed additions. The side content is still lacking a lot and the first two thirds of the story were kinda meh, but it picked up a lot in the final act. Kraven was honestly the most boring main villain in the series yet. About the same score I gave the first one but for different reasons.
Final score: 8/10

Note: I have played and completed Sword before, but I'm still going to count this as a separate game.
I definitely think Gen 8 was overhated, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Honestly, I think that this was the best art style they have had for the series and wish they kept it for Gen 9, I think it fits the series well. There are also some great trainer and Pokemon designs here too. However, it was extremely easy, even for pokemon standards. The story is honestly the weakest one out of all of the mainline games. I don't think this was a bad Gen, nor was it the best. It's still fun if you are looking for a more quick Pokemon game to play.
Also, Sword is just the better version, that is a fact.
Final score: 7/10

Great roster of characters that span across the rest of the Orochi saga, making it a great way to end it. The game's visuals look amazing, with great stage art, animations, and some really impressive sprites for the characters. The soundtrack also features some good remixes and new tracks. The only problem is that sometimes the inputs can need to be a bit too precise, but other than that this is a great entry in the series.
Final score: 9/10

I know this one was trying to go for a bit of a different feeling, but I'm not a fan of the ambient tracks of it, it just feels really off during fights. The game is still fun, but it is also much easier so that's up to you if that makes it better or worse.
Final score: 6/10

A bit easier combat. The arcade boss finally shakes the 90's fighting game boss syndrome and is pretty fun. Just like how 95 was a lot better than 94, and this one is just a bit better than 95. Great spritework, character designs, and soundtrack, and just overall feels great, but not crazy good. Also, that intro goes so hard.
Final score: 8/10

Noticeable improvement from 94. The arcade AI is a lot more bearable but the boss still has 90s fighting game boss syndrome. Still pretty fun overall, though.
Final score: 7/10

It's pretty fun, but the enemy AI in the last couple of fights in the arcade is so bad and the final fight actually cheats. Overall I think it's a decent fighting game, as simple as it is, and it achieves what it wants to. The biggest problem is that the single-player content sucks near the end.
Final score: 5/10

This game tries super hard to be just like 4, but instead of mixing action and survival horror well like 4 did, it dives straight into the action aspect. This makes the game feel super generic and holds few elements of what makes Resi Evil what it is. All locations feel super dull and boring, combat is super easy and never feels like a threat as they do in other RE games, next to no puzzles, and even when there are they are super easy. At least the game is still enjoyable and has a fine set of characters and a decent story. I still can't bring myself to give it a 3/10, cause it still had some mindless fun to it, but that should not be what a Resi Evil game is.
Final score: 4/10

A pretty decent NES game and has a strong chance of being my favorite of the console's library. It's a really fun time but the last two castles get pretty tough. Man, I really wonder what it would've been like if this got translated and released in the US back in the day, or if Takamaru did make the cut for being a smash fighter that one time. Now that this is on Switch online I'd recommend playing at least the first castle.
Final score: 7/10

A horror game with a beautifully eerie art style, amazing world design, simple but good combat, and a confusingly intriguing story. I absolutely loved this. It is amazing.
Also Elster just like me fr!!
Final score 10/10

-You know who
Final score: 5/10

To celebrate beating 100 games in the decade, I made PEPSIMAN the 100th game. Actually a really fun short platformer with some jank in the controls. The dash mechanic is actually really fun to maneuver with and the levels are all-around fun with the exception of the very last one. Actually really surprised by this piece of late 90's advertising.
Final score: 6/10

I was pretty doubtful at first, but this really is the new bar for games. A genuinely amazingly crafted game with almost infinite replayability to it. There are some minor issues to it, like party members getting stuck a lot in the overworld, and some turns taking a bit to end for no reason, but these issues are so minor compared to everything else. While it might not ever be in my personal top 5 games, this is something I will always be coming back to.
Final score: 10/10