A super fun fan game that got me to think and strategize way more than a normal Pokemon game. Some of the custom sprites are amazing and the changes made to the classic Gen 1 Kanto layout make it a fresh experience other than the fusions. I did find myself grinding for xp way more here than I would need to in mainline games and some of the balancing can be wacky.
Final score: 8/10

The first thing I want to say is that this game is BEAUTIFUL. These were some of the best backgrounds I have seen in any fighting game and each characters' redesigns are great. The base roster is really good too, it was nice to see so many old characters return, while still keeping some newer ones. The change in some character's backstories and personalities are also really well done. I can't believe I actually like Sindel, Shang Tsung, Reptile, and Raiden for once. Liu Kang is also an amazing character here, to me he finally feels like the main character he has always intended to be. The main story was also amazing for the most part. The final act had some goofy moments, but honestly, they were still fun and cool so I still liked them. Now as for Invasions, I'll see if I like them over time, but I much prefer this over Towers of TIme from MK11. As for now, this is honestly a perfect MK game in my book and I am really excited for what NR has in store for the rest of this new era!! (Also really excited for Takeda and Omni Man in the DLC)
Edit: $12 for a fatality is ridiculous...
Final score: 7/10

Despite beating Portal 2 years ago, I actually never finished the first Portal until now. It's still a great game but lacks some of the polish, extra charm, and mechanics that make Portal 2 a 10/10.
Final score: 9/10

Firstly, the art style for this game is amazing and the pixel style works well with lower polygon models. The game's core gameplay of being a movement shooter is simply fun. However, the game struggles to introduce anything that feels really unique, especially in the gunplay and enemy design. The guns are also unbalanced. The game's difficulty is not balanced well either. It is too easy most of the time and its "difficult sections" are just you being outnumbered by a ton, which can't be fun at times.
Final score: 7/10

This was a surprisingly really fun fighting game. I found none of the characters boring to play at all, every fighter feels fun to play as. No character felt low tier, but that might be because pretty much all fighters have some broken thing to them. I guess when everyone is overpowered, no one is. There are still some things that keep it from being a 10 for me. The story was mostly good, but I felt that it fell off in the last three chapters. Some of the voice acting was kind of bad too. Still a super fun fighting game.
Final score: 7/10

Easily my favorite HL game. Except for the first two, each chapter felt tense, fun, and just simply cool. Finally playing in an environment that isn't City 17 felt very refreshing, and so did some of the qol changes. After all these years, I finally understand the demand for Episode Three.
Final score: 9/10

Despite it being really short, I really liked this one. It was nice to see Alyx more, but in the later parts of the game, she does start to get a bit annoying. The soundtrack was really good and some moments felt really cool because of it. Overall the game starts off very strong but starts to drop the rest of the time.
Final score: 8/10

This game holds up amazingly well. Everything about this game is impressive for when it came out. Something I was really surprised by was just how good the animations are for 2004, especially face animations. There are some dents that keep it back from being perfect for me though.
Final score: 8/10

Shitposting: The Game. I love it for that. So much personality to this game it's so fun. Controls are a bit wonky to get used to and the best stuff is all in the second half, but this was a nice quick game.
Final score: 9/10

Donkey Kong.
Final score: 6/10

Really similar to the first, so it's still good. Once again the combat and swinging are great. I did not get as invested in the story as the last one and the game is super short. Once again the extra content is nothing special.
Final score: 7/10

A really good game to 100%. The combat and swinging are really good, but everyone already knows that. Some of the extra content is a bit boring though.
Final score: 8/10

I liked this game way more than I thought I would. The first third is extremely boring, but after it picks up a lot. The second third is really cool and super fun. The last third is also good but starts to overstay its welcome. The ending is really abrupt and odd.
Final score: 8/10

A near-perfect game gets made perfect in a remaster. I played the game as a kid, but never finished it. Coming back as an adult and finishing it gave so much more meaning to the game. As an adult, I realized a lot more in the dialogue and some of Sheik's lines hit way too hard. The dungeons all have great theming and tell their own stories perfectly. The dreaded water temple is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be and actually happens to be one of my favorite dungeons lore-wise. This is a game everyone needs to play.
Final score: 10/10

This is going to be GotY 2023 and I want it to be, it deserves it. I really loved my playthrough of TotK, but the game doesn't fix most problems BotW had. Still has the same terrible weapon durability, the story is good but all in the past, and really mundane and boring dungeons. This time TotK introduces some new problems. The overworld is the same again with not much new. Any area with a guardian in BotW now just feels barren and way too calm. The underground is really boring and there is not as much content in the sky as I was hoping. Having to pause your gameplay every time you want to attach something to an arrow and having to scroll through the entire inventory to find a specific item is really annoying.
Fuse is a great mechanic that opens up so much potential for the game and does make up for some of the other problems, like weapon durability. The final boss is God-tier and the sound design is the best I've seen in any game. I just had way less motivation to explore the map, because I already did in BotW.
Despite the huge negatives I still had a lot of fun, just not as much as BotW. I love both these games, but I hope they return to traditional 3D Zelda soon.
Final score: 8/10