This is going to be GotY 2023 and I want it to be, it deserves it. I really loved my playthrough of TotK, but the game doesn't fix most problems BotW had. Still has the same terrible weapon durability, the story is good but all in the past, and really mundane and boring dungeons. This time TotK introduces some new problems. The overworld is the same again with not much new. Any area with a guardian in BotW now just feels barren and way too calm. The underground is really boring and there is not as much content in the sky as I was hoping. Having to pause your gameplay every time you want to attach something to an arrow and having to scroll through the entire inventory to find a specific item is really annoying.
Fuse is a great mechanic that opens up so much potential for the game and does make up for some of the other problems, like weapon durability. The final boss is God-tier and the sound design is the best I've seen in any game. I just had way less motivation to explore the map, because I already did in BotW.
Despite the huge negatives I still had a lot of fun, just not as much as BotW. I love both these games, but I hope they return to traditional 3D Zelda soon.
Final score: 8/10

Once again Riot Forge proves that the League Universe has some amazing lore and characters. Sylas is one of the best characters in the lore, so him getting his own game is nice. The story is really nice and so are the characters. Sylas controls well. The soundtrack is really good too. There are a surprising amount of glitches I encountered though, so the game needed just a little bit more polish.
Final score: 7/10

A really fun beginner-friendly fighting game that's also enjoyable for veterans of the genre. The character designs are all flawless and the soundtrack is a banger. The only thing keeping it from perfect is the severe lack of single-player content.
Final score: 8/10

I think this might be the best remake I have played. I never finished the original RE4, but I played about 75% of it. The combat is so fun and the game looks stunning. All characters are enjoyable. Ashley is really likable and isn't annoying like she is in the original. All boss encounters are really fun and each moment feels great. Huge step back in horror, but I'm fine with that.
Final score: 10/10

Say what you want about the cut content, the game is still fun. If this was a standalone RE game it would feel much better. Knowing it's a remake of the original RE3, makes it feel like there was so much wasted. The game is really short too, even by RE standards.
Final score: 7/10

Going through the police station feels like solving one big long puzzle, making it really satisfying when you do. However, once you get to the sewers and lab, the game falls off hard. Thankfully those segments are shorter.
Final score: 8/10

This game fixes the problems with the gameplay in 1 and the main story isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Any character from 1 is perfect again here. However, the new characters are all just really bland and I did not care for any of them, even Abby. The game being in Seattle the entire time gets boring too.
Final score: 8/10

Some of the best characters I have seen in any game. Literally, any major character is perfect. Joel and Ellie are wonderfully written and the game still looks beautiful now. The game is near perfect, but the gameplay never evolves itself past generic stealth and shootouts.
Final score: 9/10

Some of the best gameplay in the series. The Emblems are a really fun mechanic, but can be a tad bit overkill in early game. The maps are all really amazing and well-designed. The Emblems are all just as good as they are in their own games. This game made me appreciate Lucina a lot more. Sigurd is amazing and makes me more excited for a FE4 remake. The new characters and Alear are all kinda boring and very forgettable. The story has some lows and highs, but the highs are REALLY HIGH.
Final score: 8/10

Really slick gameplay. Feels so good to get those perfect times on each level, but near the end, I lost the motivation too. The soundtrack will either be really good or horrendous, but that's just what Machine Girl is. The main story is good, but it gets brought down by cringe writing.
Final score: 8/10

A really good platformer that holds up really well. A great gem from its era. Each location is fun to explore and feels unique while all staying in the same area. The biggest problem with the game is that it was impossible for me to 100% because one orb glitched out of bounds and I couldn't get it.
Final score: 8/10

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I do not think I will play it again any time soon. Jesse was a nice protag. The lore is pretty cool and the gunplay is cool. The game tries WAY too hard to be deep and mysterious about stuff.
Final score: 7/10

Inoffensive cute little tech demo game for the console.
FInal score: 8/10

Some great writing and combat. New Pokemon are all really cool and the region is fun to explore. The lack of polish and glitches is unforgivable.
Final score: 7/10

Once again, the sonic/shadow stages are great, but the others are boring. Thankfully there is not as much filler in this one. Great soundtrack.
Final score: 6/10