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C_F commented on C_F's review of Ristar
@chandler If not for the flat backgrounds I think it could pass as a Genesis game, but they look great with a CRT filter!

1 hr ago

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Sneeze followed ReonGhost

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Sneeze followed GzLoaf

9 hrs ago

C_F reviewed Ristar
The term demake gets thrown around kind of a lot nowadays to just mean "remake I don't like" but I always thought of it to mean remaking a game on weaker hardware. In this case, we have Ristar for the Sega Game Gear, which is far weaker than the Sega Genesis.

TBH? It's by far the most impressive deconversion of a game ever made, to the point I much prefer it to the Genesis version. All the levels I disliked such as the water levels are replaced with new more straightforward levels like a cool rainbow level (be sure to play the Japanese version of GG Ristar!) or bomb disposal level. I just enjoy not having to play with the swimming physics again.

The music and graphics are a bit of a downgrade of course, but GG Ristar punches far harder than its weight class would suggest. I could listen to its version of the OST for ages

Also, even the English version retains the story from the Japanese original which was changed in the English Genesis release. Very neat! But I think the coolest technical achievement is how they managed to replicate the ending effects on Game Gear!

It's the same Ristar you know and love, only with all the filler bits removed and replaced with mostly more interesting things imo. The new collectibles are really fun to casually walk through and I appreciate how many extra things there are to grab such as enemy shields and spears. Easy rec for fans of the original.

12 hrs ago

1 day ago

C_F commented on Vash4e's review of Mega Man X
OMG I need to play this game

1 day ago

C_F commented on wheatie's list wheatie's Favorite Playable Charactesr
Needs moar Zero tbh

1 day ago

1 day ago

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