Honestly.. a bit dull. Compared to other games in the genre it’s not that special. The final twist is good, but overall it’s a bit too superficial to really last in the story department.

… the girls are thirsty though damn

A fun and lighthearted what-if story with the Lab members. It doesn’t set the world on fire, but it is hilarious at times. Plus more Steins;Gate is never a bad thing.


After being told that Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne was the bees knees for years and no modern platform to play it on, this HD Remaster was just the thing I needed.

In terms of playing the game on a modern platform. As a HD Remaster its quite… barebones. I think that’s my biggest complaint about the game. I know Atlus isn’t the biggest on budgets, but when you see several rereleases appearing the last few years, this game could have benefitted more of QOL improvements.

Its a PS2 RPG spruced up, that’s all. On the technical side and presentation, but as a game to play its been fascinating. While it has some niggles (think high encounter rate) the gameplay is ace. Battles are fun and with the added Magatama’s it might give you an edge.

Storywise its minimalistic, but the message comes across. A destroyed Tokyo, factions taking up arms and destroy one another; its good stuff and fun to play.

I do think the game is not for everyone , especially being a but old, but if you have an open mind this game will surprise. Hee-ho!

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As Travis’s story has come to an end, I can safely say that I’m very happy with how Suda51 ended the series. Sure there are enough people who will look at the game and say “man this looks low budget, what is that overworld, why is everything weird”. Congrats, you have just experienced a Suda51 game!

The overworld is pretty barren, but I think the real omission in this NMH outing is an exciting lead up to boss battles. The rank 5 battle does have this and I really liked it, but they are rare. I liked these parts in previous NMH games, but the random battles though the overworld work well I enough.

The battles though… amazing: best the series has been. Gameplay is smooth and the addition of the deathglove does spice up the NMH combat. Sidestepping and wrestling moves are very easy to pull off.

As for the bosses, there are some amazing moments. High points are Rank 9, 6, 5, 4, 3/2 and the true final battle. Enemies aren’t as deep as in previous outings, but they leave an impression nonetheless.

As for the story… it has some fantastic Suda-esque twists. (Jeanne the cats voice cracks me up every time) but its also showing that Travis, despite calling people “fuckheads” a fair amount of times, has grown emotionally and surrounded himself with people who care for him. He even continues to turn enemies into friends. I think Suda did a wonderful job on Travis’s final outing.

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Just when I thought the Teltale formula could not be exciting anymore, this game happens. Just like the original this Batman series explores the actions of both the Dark Knight and Bruce Wayne, and woof, that does not end well for Gotham's finest superhero.

No technical issues in this Teltale release, yay!

The story itself was quite interesting; while I still prefer the traditional Joker, opting for a Joker, or in this case John Doe, to be turned away from a life of crime is a different take on the character which feels good to see.

Especially if you look at the role reversal; Harley Quin was the one to be abused by Joker and pursuing him for his affection. Now it's the other way around and there is something bizarre to see Joker being so submissive towards others.

As for the overall story, not bad at all. If you know your Batman trivia, you won't be that surprised.

A very strange game, but very charming too. Making stuff disappear in holes is way more fun than it sounds. It could have used more challenging puzzles. Now I have rushed through in just a few hours.


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I just completed a hardcore run for the first time, but I have to say that revisiting this game after a year has not changed my opinion; a masterclass at how to create an amazing Remake.

It might not be perfect, but it is very close. While the dialogue is a bit hammy, as is tradition for the series, everything else is a beautiful recreation of the classic on the original Playstation classic. From the intricate design of the police station to the final confrontation with Birkin, everything is fantastic.

I even like the new prominent role of Mr. X (those footsteps!), the reworked encounters with G-mutates and the clean look of the lab area.

A true classic and one of the best games of last gen.

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Uh, well, that was dark as fudge.

I started the game with knowledge that this wasn’t going to be a game where you get to date girls while playing a visual novel.

I do believe that the game does work better on PC; while there have been done some fun things to make it a console game you can’t hide its PC roots with all the files and stuff.

Still… the game went places, hard. While I picked up on Monika being evil and the poems being cries for help, the disturbing nature of the other Literature Club ladies is scary. At times I felt the game was pushing my boundries just for the sake of it, especially with all the death.

However I do respect the twist with Monika being sentient and in love with the player. That was a cool swerve and pushed the game for. All the brutal murders though, that was a bit too much.

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A better game than the original version. The original content has been improved by several QoL features which makes it a more fun adventure. Still a very long game, but the slogs through Mementos for example are far more manageble.

As for the story, it’s still enjoyable to steal hearts with the Phantom Thieves, with some new enjoyable content to boot. There is one change (you know the one, during the Kamoshida fight) which made me go that’s terrible, but overall it’s been a smoother ride.

Its a shame that the new character isn’t playable untill the last month which makes her addition seem like an afterthought, but the changes to Akechi’s story are welcome.