Aged like a fine wine. Delsin and Reggie are amazing characters, the gameplay is super fun and the visuals still hold up. I have a massive soft spot for this game.

What did they do to this poor game. My god.

Full of ups and downs, but overall more fun over it's life than Overwatch 2. Definitely shouldn't have taken GOTY.

Great fun for BOTW fans but wasn't a fan of where the story went.

Struggle to get super into this one, but the appeal is super obvious and the music is great.

This is the one that highlights the issues with Pokemon's release schedule most. Has so much potential, and I had so much fun with it but the technical issues are glaring.

3d world is the perfect co-op Mario, with so much variety. Bowser's Fury is also refreshing and a great direction for the series.

Incredibly charming and captures the classic Zelda feel, short but sweet.

I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said. This is one of the GOATs though.

The weakest of the series, with a few frustrating sections. But lays the groundwork of iconic characters and stories.

Gas. One of the only games to truly feel next-gen.

So replayable, the definitive version of Gen 1.

Splatoon is great, but the differences from entry to entry are so few.

Visuals have aged excellently, such a unique game.