More monsters to bonk, more weapons to make.

Beautiful game, although I have problems with the way the routes/decisions were handled. Still, was worth the wait.

Nice game to have on your phone to play when you don't have anything better to do. The Pokemon formula works wonders with Roguelike/lite mechanics.

I don't think I can't put into words how insanely cool this game is. Fun puzzles, such fleshed out characters and well-rounded story, all with that charm only Shu Takumi games have. Enjoy it!

I still can't believe this is a Pokemon game. Unbelievable.

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To this day, I still think about how my little boy is doing. I keep opening the game, waiting for him to appear to say hi... The game really did a wonderful work making everything feel real.

There is just something about how this game plays that makes it so satisfying. I find myself coming back to it from time to time and having as much fun as the first time.
Also, story and characters are so silly that it ends up being endearing more than cringe.
PS2 era really gave us amazing games.

This is such a gorgeous and amazing game, really wish more people could enjoy it.
For a PS2 game, it aged like fine wine.

This have been my first game on this franchise, now I want to bonk monsters and do weapons with them forever. Really excited to play more games!

I still can't get over how silly the character models are. Fun game to play with friends, but it's also enjoyable to play on your own with all the challenges and no evidence runs.

I've never worked in better conditions! Would recommend.

Recently a spanish group released a translation for the original Japanese version of this game which fixes most of the bugs and problems the PAL and USA versions came with.
Despite the game still feeling old and a bit clunky on some aspects, this version really makes the game feel much faster and fair with the player.
Overall I had a so much fun and it really changed my perception of this game for good!

Thank you Dark_Kudoh, LoudKuyuki and uzuhenry for the amazing work!

Another bugged mess of a game like Pokemon Legends, but at least it's fun to play with friends as the online functions are by far better than in Sw/Sh. Up to 4 players can complete the game together at the same time and I think that's cool.

Difficulty is a joke, no battle was challenging at all, not even the elite four pokemon had items equipped. Gym Leaders and Pokemon League are worst than in X/Y, Boss Pokemon don't even have a strategy like the ones in S/M and Team Star battles are the most boring **** they ever made. Oh btw, did you know they made this game an open world game where you supposedly can choose which challenges to take first... but none of them escalate to your level meaning you have to follow certain order according to your level anyways? Ah, the illusion of free choice! But they didn't even add a "recommended level" tag to each challenge, so you never really know if you are underleveled or overleveled for them.

Story is suprisingly good in this game (the final arc and Arven's character at least). It could still get some changes as it felt a bit rushed (like everything in this game lmao), but I enjoyed it overall.

Music is also fire this game, check it out you won't regret it. Too bad I couldn't hear E4 theme in-game as it was bugged hahahaha... I really regret buying this.