Favourite Games of 2023

My favourite games of 2023 (ongoing)

The best game Fromsoftware could have released post Elden Ring. Mechanized Kino the likes of which I didn't think was possible. NG+ & NG++ are a cut above of so many other games
Where did everyone go, Bingo?
One of the years very best surprises, never in a million years I would have guessed a debut game from a new studio about Pinocchio would be this spectacular and reach some pretty high heights of the soulslike genre.
this is my favourite game of the year depending on the day you ask me. Revisiting this reminded me why I love video games and it was my introduction to Metroid and the genre as a whole at a young age.
A dream I didn't want to wake up from
Despite a serviceable gameplay experience, AW2 is the quintessential Remedy experience with a meta fictional nightmare and great writing that makes up for the the sum of its lesser parts into a enthralling experience.
High Octane Adrenaline blood pumping campy cyber ninja cyborg action Kino. This game is my equivalent of my boring ass doing drugs.
Absolutely bewildering Nintendo got away with using the same damn map from the previous game, charged us $70 and I fucking loved all 140+ hours I spent exploring and launching Koraks on rockets to high heaven.
A flawed messy bloated action fantasy epic, I loved almost every second of it and its endearing cast of characters.
A wonderful homage to the games of a bygone era, chock full of charm and oozing style with one banger list of OST/songs.
The most fun and thrills I've had playing a multiplayer game in ages. I think that's worth praising given the bleak landscape of online gaming these days.
Frictional going the route of survival horror mixed in with their own brand of hide n seek subgenre that paved the horror gaming genre in the 2010s is a thrill and their most compelling Amnesia title to date and best since Soma. I hope they stick with this formula and continue to improve upon it in future releases.
It's a bit bloated in length but the gameplay is sick as hell, you got chainsaw for legs what more could you possibly want?
Probably the best shotgun of 2023, A worthwhile budget F.E.A.R./COD inspired Kino. My ears are still ringing....


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