A joyous & beautifully creative ode to the lost days of childhood imaginations and adventures. A game made with clear love and passion, hard not to recommend despite the sum of its parts.

Its Peak

your CDs can still be read even on the PS3 version, seeing Vibri march along to Welcome To The Black Parade is top five gaming moments of all time.

Yakuza got its very own "Twin Snakes", while I love the story, characters and world that was already established in the wonderful Yakuza 0. This remake leaves a lot to be desired on the moment to moment gameplay and many systems it put in place here.

Absolutely mesmerizing & at many points I felt a great sense of tranquility. Hyper Light Drifter excels in its minimalist approach in its presentation, and while most players might find its very subdued story a bit barebones, its just enough for my own experience to get by. Combine that with a stunningly beautiful dying 2D pixel art world, disasterpieces hypnotically entrancing incredible score and pretty straightforward but great combat loop. Hyper Light Drifter is a short but serene great addition to the ever growing land of diverse indie titles.

"Made with Unity" yeah I didn't notice, the brainrotifcation of Resident Evil, god this series really was way worse before it got much better again.

Breath of The Wild got its own Super Mario Galaxy 2


It Makes No Damn Sense.....

.....Compels me though

Too many QTE's and cutscenes for its own good, and the combat is good enough that I wish it allowed the player to enjoy it more but its short, so hilariously over the top, pure spectacle driven filled with so much cheese it was hard to not to enjoy. The fight against Augus was practically pretty peak.

Insert clunky controls meme, its fun though and the learning curve of these games is not like what I was expecting for its type but once you get over how potentially overwhelming it seems at first it becomes addicting and the customization is rad. Having L3 to actually move the Armored Core in this one unlike AC2's dpad PS1 control scheme makes it easier to recommend. However its still hard to suggest to get into here with even its older elements so maybe jump to a later one or really try your hand at this.

The junk food of video games, this kind of game shouldn't even exist in todays market but boy am I glad it does, its a lot more flawed then what my rating reflects but hell I had fun. Hope to see more AA titles like this exist again, PS2/Jankino is back on the menu boys!!!!

Might be the next contender for worst action game I've played since Devil May Cry 2. Gone is the short, fast, stylish arcade action of the first and instead a boring, annoying slog of a sequel.

Please bring back killing the final boss by pressing a button in a cutscene...... game itself is mindless at its worst but average at its best, the presentation and cutscenes are where it shines but a lot of the moment to moment gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. It took me just under 90 minutes to beat so I can't be that upset.

Deadly Premonition was a fun, silly, often times bad video game that was so utterly fascinating I couldn't stop playing it despite how tedious and frustrating it ends up getting. Swerys attempt at his own Life is Strange story lite, arthouse horror platformer could barely hold my attention despite some initial charm in its premise. Might come back and reassess to finish if the mood strikes me. Might just go check out D4 instead when it hits a sale again.

Not sure if I'm gonna end up finishing this but man, its really disappointing to see Tango make something so safe and uninspired that just at moments promises something more but quickly fades and disappears like the ghosts you encounter. I always was rooting for this team but not sure if I have much interest in this studio going forward now that Mikami & Nakamura are both gone, but maybe I'll check out a Hi Fi Rush 2 if that happens.