16 Reviews liked by Samuraqdokraq

I've been wondering for a lot of time why this game is the way it is and why it seems to not rise in popularity. It's grown hella stale and at first, I was so confused as to why. Until I took a more critical approach after my 1.5k hours and started to truly notice what I was doing and what was happening while I was playing.

The reason is simple. If Rainbow Six Siege had been released today in its current state, it'd be a great game and a major success. However, after having seen how the game has progressed over the past 7 years, it's hard for me (as well as my boys, but also part of the OG playerbase) to appreciate this version. The problems began every since they decided to start changing things for the sake of change instead of fixing the god-awful problems. The new UI is horrendous compared to the old one. Cheating is as prevalent as it was 5 years ago, possibly even worse. It took 3 years to release a new map, and it's permabanned. Every season, we get one new operator instead of two and every single time, they have questionable or outright dumb gadgets that look straight ripped from games like Valorant.

Rainbow Six Siege was supposed to be a realistic take on the FPS 5v5 hero genre which took inspiration from real world technology, but that is now far left in the past with operators like Sens (his ability literally looks like a Valorant ability), Azami, Iana, Melusi and more. FYI, I'm all for diversity in videogames, but comparing the first operators in the game to the current one reveals where the devs' mind is at. It doesn't aim to look realistic, it aims to be stylish. Just look at the SAS, for example. They all look very similar and they have a very concise design, and most importantly they all look like special agents. And now look at Azami. It speaks for itself.

I remember when the game first came out, me and my friends played the shit out of it even though it had lots of issues and we used to watch a lot of Rainbow Six content creators, and now all of them have quit except for a few because of how low the engagement is and how shitty the game has gotten. Every healthy game out there has a strong viewer/playerbase to it. The only thing doing well is the esports section, and even that has fallen off.

The game itself, too, is extremely hard to get into. It requires a massive amount of time to be put into in order for you to start actually having fun. Map knowledge, operator knowledge, mechanics, all of these are as important as actual aim. Even with 30 hours into the game, you will still be utter trash.

Also, this is more of a me thing, but seeing the dev team trying to relate to the playerbase is so embarrassing. I'm not a fan of politics or real world debated issues in video games, and the devs have started implenting that. Literally nobody cares, that's not what this game is about.

The way they've done this game is extremely sad. Tom Clancy's body must be a perpetual motion machine the way they fucked his IP up so bad. It was grounded, now all it is is just a medium for some fat LGBT politically correct women to write extremely poorly written characters and CalArts graduates to make worse and worse UIs, operator designs, and gameplay decisions.

Genuinely, all of the writing staff are landwhale, purple haired women. Not the type you want writing what once was a serious military shooter from one of the best authors of all time, especially when they write up the operators and design the awful fortnite tier models off that.

Feel free to share this review with your friends and or buddies to finally get Ubisoft to understand that Rainbow Six Siege is just a shitshow that needs to be reworked and rethought to stay relevant.

Rainbow Six Siege is a game that I loved playing almost religiously every single day with my friends. Nowadays I see myself tired of this game, almost playing next to none. I've been playing games like Halo, Half Life, CSGO, Homeworld Remastered, Hearts of Iron 4, Day of Defeat: Source, Left 4 Dead, Battlefield 4 and 1 again and having the time of my life inside those games. That’s the moment I thought to myself: How come I'm having this fun again? This mysterious feeling of, I fucked up but I’m still laughing about it. This was the time it “clicked” inside my head; you see. All the games listed above encourage you to play casually, and to have fun. The games don’t take themselves seriously. Yeah yeah, CSGO has a massive Pro League behind it but we still play it casually! Like your friend saying "Yo man if you one click this AWP in mid with a Deagle I’ll buy ya a beer". And of course you go ahead and do it. Even if you die, you all can laugh about it. Or you can just mess around in TDM, Conquest (Battlefield), Co-Op and I don’t know what else.

Rainbow Six Siege doesn’t encourage Casual Play, which it needs, it even punishes you for it. That is sad but also true, think about “Quickmatch”, remember when it was called “Casual”? Yeah, we all miss those times, right? You can’t play Siege for fun or casually, as the game doesn’t allow it. Siege would need to make the In-Game Events playable for any given time, like Sugar Fright, Doctor's Curse (And yes I know you can host Event game modes in the near future, but you would still need 9 other players for it and invite them). Rainbow Six Siege could also add Team Death Match, where players just play for points, respawning, and killing the OPFOR (Opposing Force for all of you who don’t know what OPFOR stands for), of course they would need to make maps for this specific game mode, but wouldn’t that be better than to search for a Quickmatch where you die the moment you spawn because of spawnpeeks, or an operator that your team didn’t call out because there is no real communication going on and then wait 3 whole minutes to play again because this one teammate decides to stay on the roof on Bank to “save his K/D”. Quickmatch is also infuriating for many players as they play most of the time solo or with a buddy and then have to sweat for nothing just because the 9th million Jäger or Ash main destroys you and treats it as ranked and even shittalks you in the chat. It becomes tiresome and frustrating. But hey, at least the Devs put a lot effort into making events and event maps that we can only play for a limited time, instead of adding fresh new game modes to a game that would really need it.

Now as we are on the “adding” things, the game is stale. There is no need to lie as even a hardcore fan must admit that it is really boring as of right now. Flores didn’t add much to the game and is almost forgotten, as Maverick or Zofia/Ash do the job much better than him (In my opinion, which can differ greatly to everyone to any region) because they aren’t handicaped because of Mute and or Mozzie which you see often in the game. With the new Season North Star or however it's called, the new healing Operator Thunderbird is also underwhelming, as people tend to use Doc because of the MP5. Giving her the ability to use the Spear .308 won’t change too much about it, even if it is an Assault Rifle that she gets doesn’t mean that she will be strong…. And it will be nerfed before she even comes out like they did with Flores! The same applies to the Jäger nerf. Who in their right mind though it was a good idea to nerf his gun? If you think about it, the Devs wanted to make roaming with him harder as he can’t be as strong in firefights anymore as before. But it's his ability that makes him great and ALSO the gun, that's why people love playing him. It looks cool, works smooth and is satisfying. And removing 5 bullets and an increase of vertical recoil won’t affect him too much, as he is still a viable Operator with a satisfying gun and one of the best gadgets in the whole game.

Ubisoft whatever you smoked, stop it or at least give me some of it too.

Ban phases OH BOY, OH MAN. How about you guys just fucking delete this system and implement one like CSGO has? Where you can choose the maps you want to play on instead of having 3 different random maps chosen for you where you “ban” with the opposing team, but you'll still end up banning Bank together and now it chooses between Theme Park and Villa? Great thing right. I mean yeah, this whole map ban system is complete worthless as it still is random which map you play on. In theory it works, but practically it doesn’t. I guess I can give the “At least you tried” award to you guys for this one feature.

Toxicity is something you guys are working actively against, but still, it shows no real impact. Even with your new system that will come with the Trust Factor, you won’t be doing too much against it. Look at League of Legends, the whole community is toxic as hell and this is something that every heavy competitive game must go through, as players become actively frustrated because of their teammates and the enemy, being hardstuck Gold I for the entire season and not even ranking up as they clearly show a higher skill level, unlike their team. And still playing against Diamond players. But eh, guess this is how things are now.

Ubisoft, you must do much more to the game than you imagine. The way you handle it as a “very serious tactical Competitive shooter” doesn’t work, don’t forget the casual players. And no, don’t tell me you "didn’t forget about them" and that you "try everything possible to make everyone happy" as this is not the case. It’s the same shtick with Zofia's withstand mechanic, for years it worked perfectly fine, but after this one match in Pro League it got removed as it “didn’t fit into Rainbow Six Siege and not because of this stream” I call bullshit as it was a great mechanic and I never felt that it was unfair, as only Zofia could do it and with barely any HP. Most of the time you still died but it defined her character!

In my opinion, you guys miss the mark in what Rainbow Six Siege wants to be. You treat it as a very serious tactical shooter, but the more serious it gets, the more frustrated players will be. They stop playing the game because they burn out and can’t have fun in it and eventually leave. New Players can’t get a foot in the door, as they either get demolished by smurfs/good players or play for 5 hours and eventually leave when they meet with a very sweaty and toxic community. The game is stale for long term players as you don’t make new maps we can play on and create new strats (if you can call them strats anymore), no real interesting operators, no new weapons that spice things up again.

I think there is even more to add to this review, but it already is too long, and I thank you all who have read this far.

All in all, even though I do still play the game from time to time, me and my friends will forever lament how much we took the original Rainbow Six Siege for granted. It's clear that it's not the same game, it is now just a money making machine. I mean, God, just look at the skins that come out. A Rick & Morty skin? For a supposedly realistic, gritty and tactical shooter? Get real, man.





Amazing game, amazing music, deals with bad mood very effectively, I would 100% recommend to anyone

Amazing game with great combat system and well made characters. I love the story of the series and how it is converted into the game.
The only thing that bugs me is that it has some connectivity problems on console online matches and both on pc and console cross-region online play.
That aside i love the game and its one of my favourites

ALWAYS entertaining. ALWAYS. I didn't get deep into the other modes apart from the basic one, but if you own this game in 2022 means you are emulating it. So for a "free" game it is more than incredible

i downloaded a translation patch for the japanese version so i wouldnt hear bri'ish talk

Nintendo DS Pokemon was legendary with this being its magnum opus.

Rhythm Heaven DS is the sequel (or straight-up, the better version) of Rhythm Tengoku for GBA, that made many the fans of this amazing series.
This sequel has some of the best and most known minigames of the saga like 'Glee Club' with the Chorus Kids, whose, in my opinion, should've stayed the face of the franchise, instead of having a new one for every game.

While for some people the tapping mechanic may be frustrating, I think it adds a lot to the game, because it makes it one of the few titles of the DS era that uses the tap a lot and in a way where it's not forced.

In the end, this DEFINITELY needs to be your first Rhythm Heaven, I'm sure it will make you a fan of this gem of a series if you already aren't.

where would i be without GO MY WAY!!?

...i don't want to imagine it.

The title music will never stop making me cry

objectively the best fnaf game because it's really sick to watch someone who knows what they're doing do the hardest difficulty
(I have played maybe 3 minutes of this)

this game is good y'all are just mean

I feel like a lot of people are going to hate me for this, but this is honestly one of my favorite Sonic games to date.
I love the story its portraying and I honestly think the controls are generally fine, yes they're a bit slippery but meh.

The gameplay is fun, I love the sword battles against the Sonic cast dressed up as the characters theyre portraying, it has a certain charm to it.

Knuckles suicide attempt rawest scene in the series.

I don't care what anyone fucking says Sonic goes so fucking hard he's so fucking cool especially in this game he becomes a werewolf