makes me want to murder someone

Good game but it pisses me off at times

Proof the steam workshop is a mistake

While fun I can't find myself coming back to it after beating Ultra Sun

great when played with friends, otherwise its a mediocre game

Did not think that this game would be here, its a good challenge for anyone who thinks they knows how to play Pokémon.

While unique and challenging the lack of polish in certain features sets it back, the foraging system is completely broken in certain parts of the map, skills are often monotonous to grind and with death resetting all of them it feels pointless to work on them past a certain point. However with this game having steam workshop support it is extremely easy to download mods to fix any issues.

Fun with great replayability, however with how hard-set the meta is and the occasional monotony of gameplay (especially in stealth) sets it back.


The concept dragged me in and the story kept me going. Most problems have different approaches and combat on higher difficulties require problem solving skills rather than brute force.

100%ing is a pain and I wouldn't recommend going for it.