I loved the original, and I loved this.
The Audio Dramas were kind of interesting. We usually don’t get those in the west.
I really like the arranged music track.
It’s one of the grandest, most sweeping FFs to ever FF. Kind of heart breaking, as most good FFs are.

I know many adore this fighting game…but why? Even at the time of its release all three versions of this game failed. But it grew a cult following.
I don’t get it. I don’t think it’s as fun as Street Fighter Alpha 2 and it’s responsiveness to commands is…questionable.

A lot of people hated this game for its departure from the top down perspective of its predecessor, but I absolutely loved The Adventure of Link. For one thing, it was more challenging than the first game.
It may not have aged as well as the first Zelda, but it’s definitely still 100% fun to play…until you get pissed off and throw your controller.


It’s alright. I was never a big fan, but I thought I’d get be it another try and finished it.
Still kind of meh to me. Even the multiplayer is off. None of its standard maps are suitable for just two people. Too big. Even for four people.
Still, if you like FPS give it a try.
I’d personally skip it and try Quake 2, or even the Quake Total Conversion, X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse.

This quickly became one of my favorite fighting games. I still have it on disc and play it from time to time.
For a 360 game, it’s graphics are still surprisingly good.

This was the third game I got for my NES.
It was fun. Exploring in this game is very rewarding.
It’s also the game that made my mom a lifelong game nut until her passing in 2020.
It’s a really fun game, with some rough moments. It aged fairly well.

I absolutely loved this game. It’s still good. It’s just too bad it’s not in color. Even with that, it’s worth playing.
Very much in line with Super Mario World style of play. It’s a tad too easy, but not so horrifying an idea once you get hooked into the game play.

I would say this is the best modern MK.
It improves on everything 9 gave us, and the same nfkwplayer story mode is just as fun to play as 9’s was.
Also a fun set of guest characters

This game took me by surprise. It’s really a lot of fun. My only real complaints are that it’s too short and not overly challenging.
The latter can be overlooked by how much fun it is. The former is made more apparent with how much fun it is.

I’m a huge fan of Kirby games, and while this is not the greatest in his collection of outings, it is fun in it’s own right.

This game is amazing. It’s tough, but fun. The branching paths make for compelling second play throughs.
The music is really good too. God tier.

When Sonic 2 came out, a lot of people said Sonic CD was superior in every way what a crock of bull rectal leakage.
This game is obnoxious
Seems like they wanted a spin dash, but went with a whimpy, second rate version.
The time travel mechanic is just a gimmick. It could just as easily not been there.
The music is not as good either as Sonic 2’s as well.

There’s no option for it, but I had this for my Super GameBoy.
I wasn’t into Pokémon, finding the show to be obnoxious and merchandizing was everywhere.
It was torture.
Anyways, my oldest nephew gave me his copy of Yellow.
I’m didn’t touch it for almost a year. Then I got sick and couldn’t do much, so I popped it into my SGB and next thing I know over 12 hours passed and I had 70+ Pokémon with names I stole from my favorite Animes.
I was hooked. Still hated everything else about Pokémon, except the games.
Respect, Yellow…I think some kid stole it while I was at work. Nice.

A very fun game with friends. The single player is good, as they have been since the MK9 reboot. Cosmetics are interesting, the variants you can make are fun because they can be either unplayable or OP. I’m‘very never seen an in between.
Good game in the series. Not as good as X, but almost there.

Apparently not for me.
It sounds fun, on paper…but in reality it’s just…not.
I know lots of others love it, and that’s cool, but everything felt empty to me.