Such a simple concept, yet it’s still fun.
I used to hate randomly generated dungeons. I think this is the first game of this type I liked.
I revisited this game recently while testing a new device and got sucked back into it lol.

I had so much fun with this game back in the day.
I’d host tournaments with my roommate, my sister, my nephew and my roommate’s younger cousins.
See who could cause the biggest crashes.
Out of all the Burnouts, 3 had the best Crash mode.
I wish I still had it.

I just replayed this a few days ago.
Attempting what I’ve never been able to do before: beat it without using the Konami Code.
Didn’t make it far lol
Still hard as rocks.
But fun at the same time.

This game was amazing when I first played it in 2011. I really enjoyed the world, I liked luring villagers out of town, then buying their houses and then they’d come back and have to pay me rent.
Total dick move, but it made me laugh to do it.

This is, by far, my favorite run n gun game.
I ran across it in an arcade about a decade ago and was impressed by how well it had stood the test of time.
Fun level designs that can be challenging. Annoying creatures like all run n guns have. The graphics are…well…beautiful.
Not as good as the later entries in the series, obviously, as this is a sort of Fatal Fury Special type deal, but for Metal Slug 2.

It’s alright, I guess. It just never grabbed me.
I just don’t find it’s gameplay loop that exciting. D1 is actually better, imo

This game hooked me straight away.
The story was interesting, the characters fairly well fleshed out.
Some game mechanics were poorly explained, so I ended up having to kill someone I didn’t want to. Oops.
But the exploration was fun. That’s one of my favorite parts of these kinds of games: the exploration of the world.

This is one of the funniest, most well thought out Metroidvanias I’ve ever played.
Plus, you play as a Luchador with a fun set of moves over the course of the game.

I was so glad I bought this when it came out. It was nice seeing the older games with some spiced up graphics.
One of the first remasters, I guess.
Particularly fond of SMB2 in this collection.
I never did get into Lost Levels. Didn’t care for the level designs.
But everything else is pure gold.

Nearly flawless 16 bit racing game.
It’s only issue is lack of 2 player.
Great racing OST.
Has aged decently. I haven’t played it in a few years. I still enjoyed it last time I played. Beating Captain Falcon and rubbing it in his face the next race by making him ride your bumper…that’s satisfaction right there.

This was the first game I bought myself and the clerk at the store cut the box open and took out a fresh minty copy of this game and sold it to me…a week before it’s street date.
Thanks, Everett Wa K-Mart, if you are still there.
Anyways, this game looks rough by todays standards, but it was amazing back in 1993. While the visuals have aged poorly, the gameplay has not. Nor has the OST.
Still full of bangers.

This remake by a fan blew me away.
It was just so good and fun.
The sprite work was nice. Not like the crappy 3D models of the 3DS remake. Not to bash on that version, it’s the DS systems themselves. There is just something off about their polygon figures. They don’t like quite right.
This, however, is crisp looking. In fact, writing this has made me want to play it again.

I remember loving this game, despite its obtuse clues.
It’s still good. Hasn’t aged as well as some other Castlevanias, but Still holds up.

It’s a fun little diversion.
The nice you’ve maxed out your shelter though, there seems little incentive to keep playing.

I love this game. Lots of action.
It’s story reminds me a bit of Out of this World. At least the opening segment.
This is a fine Metroidvania for a first attempt by a single person.