!Played on Normal Difficulty!
What feels like a worthy successor to Doom & Doom II, I can see both how this was influential enough that its impact is still felt 25 years later, and how it didn't really have the moxy to stand above its predecessor in pop culture. The game is still really fun and has that enticing "boomer shooter" gameplay loop that left me wanting "one more level" every time. Ambient OST and sound design were on point, the levels while very same-y across episodes were coherent and readable. Gibbing with the Super Shotgun during Quad Rampages ROCKS! I probably would've given this a higher score if Shub-Niggurath wasnt even more of a wet fart final boss than Icon of Sin. Overall 8/10, I'll probably get around to the expansions and new episodes eventually.

My, Earth really is full of things!

The weirdly simplistic gameplay makes a lot of people miss the forest for the trees (myself included for a while) but if you are a NMH fan and take the time to sit down and play this all the way through, will not be disappointed.

As someone who's still wetting my feet into VR, this feels like an instant classic for the medium. A simple enough concept fleshed out and executed in a way thats engaging and takes full advantage of the VR experience. Sick as fuck.

you ever live-service so hard that you release a new character 2 weeks before your game is obliterated off the face of the earth?

Feels like i was playing a kids game for adults (good)

Wonderful adventure that has a bit of the same spark as its predecessor, Cave Story. With a hard as balls NG+ I havent beaten yet and plenty of choice in weapons, its hard not to enjoy this game a few times over.

I got this + all the DLC for like $5 the week before it got nuked
There is a decently goofy JStars sequel hidden under the horrific skin suits all the characters are wearing, basically on par with 6th-7th gen anime arena fighters (talking out my ass)
Modding scene brings it from a 4 to a 5/10

ooooo I cooka da greatest 2D platformer of the year
As someone who followed this game since its early inception in 2017, this game still managed to overdeliver and surprise me the whole way in my first playthrough
Eagerly anticipating the Noise update

Dumb fun but impossibly unbalanced and janky for an online game. But at the end of the day, classes/characters being unlocked by a gacha system is the game’s cardinal sin and the main hurdle from it being redeemable.

Pre-F2P was on some insane shit, it’s still ok to this day

Jonathan Blow more like Jonathan Blows (it was ok, some of the platforming sections expected way too much out of you)